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The Basement is the highest layer in terms of physical depth. It is where the Dreamer is destined to begin each cycle. Its fauna is generally composed of insects, humanoids, and the occasional lump of refuse. Due to the Dreamer’s issues with memory confabulation, parts of the Basement have taken on different traits–the Cellar, being home to numerous arachnids and bees, and the Burning Basement, an eternally-burning sector covered in embers and ash.
Note: Attempting to venture into the area above the Basement is most unwise. No being, living or dead, has ever returned from the trapdoor in the ceiling at the Basement’s center. To venture into it would be suicidally foolish.
HorfThe Horf is one of the most common creatures in the Basement. They can be found across all of the Basement's environmental variations, as they are surprisingly adaptable. They are simplistic creatures, retaliating at potential attackers with a single biological projectile, a technique also used by many others of this world. A Horf will eventually grow into a Gaper, which in itself can become one of many other variants over the course of its life. ![]() |
Red HorfClosely related to their plain-colored cousins, the Red Horf is the first example of a strange trait that cannot be adequately justified via evolution. Red Horfs lack the ability to shoot, as their mouth (which they fire projectiles through) has been sealed shut. Thus, they puff up full of blood until they burst from the pressure. A disgusting and very difficult-to-clean-up display. ![]() |
Mutant HorfThis Horf has a tumorous growth bearing a second brain. Both of the conjoined twins exist attached to one another without much fuss. As opposed to direct projctiles, Mutant Horfs prefer to keep two globs of blood orbiting around themselves at all times, only ever producing more should one of the extant ones fall. For some reason, these seem to be unable to progress past this developmental stage, likely due to their growth defect. ![]() |
Psychic HorfA Horf that has developed a third eye through which it channels powers unknown. It is capable of guiding its shots towards those who disturb it. Getting close is not recommended. Some say that the events regarding the Mausoleum stem from others trying to understand the apparent magic they innately possess. ![]() |
GaperGapers are generally one of the easiest-to-find creatures in the Basement. At one point they were rather territorial, but ever since the Dreamer's absence they have been considerably less so. Notably, Gapers possess a remarkable pain tolerance and ability to regenerate essentially any organ--Gapers can occasionally be seen wandering around without eyes, not particularly bothered by the seeming pain or blindness. How more Gapers and Horfs are made is a mystery, as they seem to lack any resemblance of biological sex. ![]() |
MorselMorsels are odd and diminutive creatures commonly thought to be juvenile Horfs or Gapers, though the veracity of this claim is unknown. They attack in crowds, somewhat akin to insects swarming, when agitated. Being small, they are rather easily dispatched, but you wouldn't hurt what is essentially a baby, would you? Oddly, they lack the ability to regenerate, which may explain why they group together--perhaps to mask their individual frailty. ![]() |
Pacer/GusherDue to their regenerative abilities, Gapers's bodies are able to function without their head, essentially making the Pacer an inverse Horf. They wander about randomly, and in some cases, leak blood everywhere, sometimes in projectiles. It is safe to keep one's distance so you do not get unintentionally harmed by this. These leaking specimens are called Gushers by most. This trait is caused by the sudden opening of their circulatory system to the world around them. ![]() |
Mr. HorfA biological mutation allows these Gapers to freely detach their heads from their bodies, though their bodies tend to wander off afterwards. When attacking prey, they throw their head to give themselves a boost. This allows them to better close the distance between theirselves and whatever it is that they are hunting. The exact incidence of this mutation in the Gaper population is unknown. Occasionally a Mr. Horf that does not detach its head very often grows more musclebound and turns into a Bowler. ![]() |
Mr. Red HorfA Red Horf that has somehow survived long enough to grow a body. Due to the biological paradox that is their continued existence, it is believed that their body contains their central nervous system as opposed to the head, making Red Horfs essentially cast-off tails. Their bodies seem to be able to regenerate heads on their own, which lends credence to the above claim. ![]() |
FattyA particularly corpulent Gaper. Its mobility is impaired by its weight, but as usual, it does not seem to care much. They also tend to be rather...flatulent. Writing about this in formal terms is going to be a massive pain, isn't it... Their increased mass does shield them from attacks, however, and their flatulence is--somehow--strong enough to knock away predators... ![]() |
SlimA particularly tall Gaper that has spurned ranged combat in favor of melee-based strikes with its long arms. Slims seem to possess slightly lower pain tolerance than their biological relatives, as they have been seen acting as if in pain upon unintentionally striking a hard surface. They do still seem to be able to regenerate to a degree, however, leaving behind their detached arms. ![]() |
LimbThe cast-off arm of a Slim. Twitches about aimlessly, and occasionally into your unsuspecting face. Watch out. Somehow, they seem to be able to detect the presence of others, and often propel themselves via their remaining musculature into your unsuspecting face. It is unknown if a Limb can regenerate back into a Slim. Limbs bear no alliances and seemingly leave no unsuspecting face unslapped. ![]() |
BowlerA Mr. Horf that has grown especially strong. Its eyes and mouth are seemingly sealed over by their skin, leaving how they sustain themselves a mystery for the ages. When detaching their heads, Bowlers roll them akin to bowling balls (hence their names). However, instead of leaving behind what is essentially a mindless drone, their bodies (called Loafers) actively seek out a head to reattach. Bowlers seem to shun all other forms of combat. A pity, honestly--those muscles could probably inflict some serious damage on an unsuspecting face if they so desired. ![]() |
LoaferThe headless body of a Bowler. It actively seeks out a head to reattach and utilize. Intriguingly, Loafers do not seem to prefer one head over any other, and sometimes will unintentionally "trade" heads with another individual of their species. Without any available heads, a Loafer will aimlessly wander, apparently seeking out a head in the general area. ![]() |
Slobber/BleederA Gaper with some kind of neurological disorder. They endlessly seem to cry and drool. Slobbers, the kind exuding tears and saliva, use their disorder to their advantage via basing their projectiles on said materials instead of blood. A more harmful strain of this disorder exists, although it does not seem to be transmissible in any form. Slobbers bearing this strain are referred to as Bleeders, due to the fact that their tears and drool are contaminated with their own blood. ![]() |
CasualtyAn injured and crudely bandaged Bleeder. Unfortunately, Gapers are not very skilled at healthcare. Their crude bandaging is not very efficient at stopping their eternal bleeding, causing them to leave a trail of blood behind themselves. Their bandages also impair their mobility, causing them to occaionally trip, fall, and promptly experience complete and total organ failure, leading to an instantaneous death. ![]() |
CyclopiaA Gaper born with one eye. The biological inbalance caused by this makes them constantly bleed. Unlike other Gapers, Cyclopias retain the ability to defend themselves via projectiles. This makes them slightly tougher adversaries in combat. Apart from that, like most Gapers, they bear no mind to any abnormal body traits they or others possess. Surprisingly touching, in all honesty. ![]() |
PesterA Gaper bearing a minor Fly infestation. One Eternal Fly circles it ad infinitum until it perishes. While most Pesters are eventually abandoned by their parasites and eventually return to normal Gapers, several unlucky ones eventually become Mulligans or Hives as their infestation progresses. It is unknown how the fly orbiting them seems impervious to almost anything until the Pester perishes. Some suggest a diet of corn by the Gaper in question, which while sounding completely ridiculous is somehow more pausible than any other theory presented thus far. ![]() |
ChaffA Horf bearing a minor fly infestation, similarly to a Pester. With the organs allowing them to retaliate now inhabited by flies and their larvae and eggs, they instead attack via launching a Fly in the general direction of a threat. They seem to be unable to send out more than one Fly at once, seemingly at the whims of their parasitic inhabitants. ![]() |
MulliganA further stage of the Fly infestation of Pesters. They walk around in constant pain due to the flies within them. When the Flies within feel threatened, they force the Mulligan to regurgitate flies from within them in a rather painful process. When cornered, the Flies within--as a last resort--will tear the Mulligan apart from the inside to attempt an all-out attack on their percieved aggressor. Depressing, really. ![]() |
MulliboomA suicidal Mulligan that has jammed a bomb within itself in an attempt to force out its parasitic inhabitants. They have done this at the expense of their other internal organs, causing them to bleed from their eyes and mouth. They run towards anyone they think may be able to help, only to explode. May the Lord above rest their unfortunate souls. ![]() |
HiveThe Flies within this Mulligan have grown in variety and number, with a small population of Pooters within. They spit out Flies outside of their own volition, similarly to Chaff. Due to their greater number, the flies within do not resort to the destruction of their host body as a last resort, as it would be a large loss of habitat should they do so. ![]() |
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FlyFlies are common vermin in the Basement, and are generally at the bottom of the food chain. They tend to feed mostly on carrion and feces. Gross, yes, but it is a fact of life. Oddly, when agitated, flies will seemingly flash red, not unlike fireflies. It is believed that they communicate with one another this way. ![]() |
PooterA grown Fly that bears a biological turret on its underside. This turret shoots bloody shots, similarly to Horfs, which they use to mostly just annoy their prey. However, while Pooters do not pose a threat to larger beings, to Spiders they are much more dangerous. Pooters are prime predators to spiders, their shots being able to suffocate and incapacitate something of such minuscule size. ![]() |
Super PooterThe turret this Fly was graced with has grown past its Pooter brethren, allowing it to fire twice in one motion. However, their main weakness is the glaring blindspot located directly in fucking front of them. Because of this, should your unsuspecting face be being aimed at by a Super Pooter, it is best to just stay still. Damn thing can't land a shot on you anyway. ![]() |
MoterTwo flies locked against one another, assumably to mate. They can be separated, of course, but will not be pleased at you interrupting their alone time. Sometimes, Moters group together in clumps greater than two individuals. Kinky! It is said that the Duke Of Flies has a symbiotic relationship with the gigantic Moter clump inside his mouth. Due to the gigantic cloud of perpetually angry insects surrounding him, we were not able to reach him for comments regarding this conception. ![]() |
SwarmA troop of Flies communicating with one another via a different color of light. This allows them to coordinate more easily. Swarms function akin to drones in beehives--they seek out sustenance for their hive, but seem to abstain from combat unless absolutely necessary. Biologically speaking, the flies in a Swarm have no gender and do not reproduce. Interestingly, however, some of the Flies in a swarm appear to conduct symbiosis with the Bees native to the Cellar, trading honey, pollen, and royal jelly for a fraction of their findings. ![]() |
Army FlyAnother subrole of Flies in their little hierarchy, Army Flies specifically seek out and neutralize threats. They communicate with a unique color, much like Swarms. Army Flies move around in coordinated linear formations. This allows them to quickly sting a target one after the other, which, in large numbers, can cause anaphylaxis even without a relevant allergy. Army Flies are not restricted to a biological sex, as the possession of a stinger is not an example of sexual dimorphism. ![]() |
Ring FlyA nonhostile role of the Flies, although they can be provoked into minor, venomless stings. Like Army Flies an Swarms, they too share a unique color to coordinate their messages to one another. Ring Flies are the scavengers of the Fly heirarchy, and fly in a formation allowing them to better survey the area for organic matter to feed upon. They look outwards from the center of their ring, but should one of its members notice a threat or possible material to bring to the nest, they will each focus on the threat or food and move towards it in sync. Even when focusing on an object, Ring Flies maintain their formation. They are not combat-oriented, and as mentioned earlier, their stings possess no venom and mainly are just a deterrent for possible predators. ![]() |
Dart FlyA Fly subspecies that bears increased mobility, and slightly sharper senses. They know how to predict the paths of projectiles, letting them safely move out of the way. It does not need to be said that this makes them very annoying to deal with. Uniquely, Dart Flies appear to have sexual dimorphism: Males will eventually grow into Bulbs, and females shed their wings and burrow underground, turning into Ulcers. ![]() |
BulbThese sons of bitches. I hate them with a burning passion. They feed on the charge that fuels many of the odd artifacts scattered around here, and know it. This is why they congregate around the rooms where these artifacts are found. It has been theorized that a Bulb is the adult form of a Dart Fly, which is a very, very infuriating notion. ![]() |
UlcerDespite seeming like a formless lump of flesh, Ulcers are actually adult female Dart Flies. Female Dart Flies grow drastically in weight as they mature, leaving them unable to fly. As they would be easy prey for most predators otherwise, they took to burrowing in the ground to protect theirselves. The front side of an Ulcer is always buried underground. The rear, however, is exposed to the surface when birthing Dart Flies, which hatch within their abdomen and grow within until they can fly on their own. ![]() |
Shot FlyA particularly aggressive mutation of Fly. They are extremely easy to provoke. However, instead of bites or stings, it flings its conical body at the percieved threat point-first in an attempt to puncture through their external coverings. If it misses, however, the shock of the point against a wall will cause the base of the horn to be pushed into their bodies, resulting in an instant death. ![]() |
ShoterTwo Shot Flies aggressively copulating. Somehow, their oddly-shaped bodies do not hinder them from doing such. They retain their very short temper while doing this, and will break formation to initiate their kamikaze charge if you so much as look at them oddly. Considering how quickly they perish, it's a miracle and a mystery how their numbers stay up. ![]() |
Level 2 FlyA slightly larger and more deadly Fly. Its size comes at the cost of its ability to communicate. Due to this, Level 2 Flies simply seek out and hunt anything in the area that they deem as their territory, usually around a few rooms' distance of the nest they were born in. In a sense, they are the brutes in the Fly armada. Unskilled, not particularly intelligent, but strong enough to be of use for larger foes. ![]() |
Full FlyThis Level 2 Fly has engorged itself on the blood of its prey, filling its digestive tract past its limit to the point of mild distension of its body. Still just as aggressive as their not-gorged counterparts. However, should they perish, they are unable to keep the pressurized fluids within them and spray them into the general vicinity as a suicide attack. If a Full Fly makes it back to its nest in one piece, it uses the blood it gathers to feed its brethren. This is theorized to help other flies grow stronger and more quickly. ![]() |
Ticking FlyA rarer Level 2 Fly that has eaten a bomb. It still shares the aggression of a normal Level 2 Fly. As a result, they essentially just suicide-bomb larger prey for other Flies to feast on. They will also explode if killed, although it is unknown if this is willing on their part. ![]() |
Popcorn FlyA particularly odd Fly whose body is surrounded by a corn kernel. I suspect this may be Fiend's doing? The kernel pops when threats come near, however, making a harmless but forceful shockwave that knocks away everything in the vicinity a fair distance so the now lighter and faster fly can escape. Does the fly discard the kernel after this? Do they get a new one afterward? It's so strange, honestly. Maybe I should try to interact more with Fiend. ![]() |
Square FlyBelieve it or not, Square Flies are actually Ring Flies that have grown similar to the Level 2 Fly. They keep their roles as scouts and surveyors, moving methodically at right angles to more efficiently survey the land around them. Depending on the color of their body, they will pursue you in a manner that is either clockwise or counterclockwise. Stay vigilant and you will be able to evade them with relative ease. ![]() |
BumblerIf a Level 2 Fly grows even further past normal size, it eventually becomes a Bumbler. While they do retain the brutish aggression of their predecessors, they mostly take to gathering blood from carrion and prey killed by other members of the hive. In a pinch, they will often use the pressurized blood within them to propel themselves away from, or in rare cases, directly into, a percieved threat. ![]() |
PotluckAdorable, chubby, and all-around precious Flies that maintain the nests of their compatriots. They are surprisingly smart, and can even be tamed with a bit of spare meat or honey! They have very affectionate dispositions (they are amazing at cuddles!) and have a knack for finding things in the little nooks and crannies you wouldn't normally think to look in. They seem relatively pacifistic as well--a stray Spider in a nest will not be killed but instead harmlessly expelled, as well as any odds and ends that have found their way inside; such as coins and the occasional key. ![]() |
PoobottleA different growth path of a Ring Fly, the Poobottle soars high and out of the way of land-based creatures, searching for fecal matter and other refuse to crush under its surprisingly weighty body. Initially, the purpose of this action was unknown, but further investigation revealed that Ring Flies carried away the smaller bits that the feces were broken down into. Thus, they work in tandem with Ring Flies and other such scouting individuals to bring resources back to their nest of origin. ![]() |
SuckerA Fly after a particularly filling meal. Their abdomen is slightly larger than usual due to swelling. Flies possess voracious appetites despite their size! The sheer variability of their diet (can be anything from plant matter to feces to even carrion!) is what gave them such large biodiversity. While not under as much internal pressure as, say, a Full Fly, they will still erupt into a (rather small) spray upon death. ![]() |
Butt Fly...sigh... I have no idea how this...this fuckin' thing came to be. It propells itself via fucking farts. I swear I'm not fucking with you. You couldn't make this shit up if you tried! They don't even serve a visible purpose to their nest! HOW AND WHY DO THESE THINGS EXIST!? AAAAAAAUGH FUCKIN' SON OF A GODDAMNED-- ![]() |
Skip FlyA rather amusing-looking subtype of fly, with an oblong body and 2 large bug-eyes. (No pun intended.) Unlike other flies which, true to their name, fly through the air, Skip Flies fly up far and then "skip" off of the ground, attempting to use the force of gravity to their adventage to hunt prey. Their physiology suggested they might perhaps be distantly related to the Potluck, which may suggest some form of possible domestication--all attempts have ended in failure, however, in no large part due to the inability of the damn thing to sit still for even a short moment. ![]() |
CherryThe earliest stage of a Fly queen, bigger than most of their Fly brethren, even if by not very much, They have playful personalities, spending much time frolicking about without a care in the world, often with the currently reigning queen or, if not the queen, then with each other. Baby Plum seems to treat them as their siblings, and when I had Magdalene accompanying me, they seemed to be particularly friendly with her, even allowing her to pet them--an ability I very much envy, but not in a malicious manner. ![]() |
Round WormThe most basic worm you can find in the Basement. A cowardly insect that burrows away in fear of retaliations to its shots. Due to their tactic of staying out of harm's way, their skin and flesh has softened over the years, making them quite a nice meal if prepared correctly. Some say that all worms are just sliced-off bits of one larger octopus-esque worm. This is completely implausible to me...and a silly notion in the first place. ![]() |
RoundyWorms engorged with food. They have grown fat and have a tendency to spit out an explosive concoction of digestive juices when provoked. Their intelligence is seemingly even lower than their thinner siblings, and they have a tendency to cause collateral damager wherever they go, whether it be via explosions or just via their size quite literally causing minor tremors in the earth they tunnel through. Due to their low intelligence, they can be manipulated to bust down walls and to search for hidden rooms between them, but this is quite risky and should most likely not be attempted without proper protective items or just brazen overconfidence that the thing won't blow your legs off. ![]() |
WeaverA particularly quick and territorial worm. It jumps in and out of the ground, almost like a serpent or a needle through fabric (hence their name). They are commonly believed to be the offspring of Pin, but this is not necessarily correct--their fully-grown form changes drastically and actually migrates to the Caves, and is known as Kingpin. Also, I hate how they look at me with their stupid fucking smiles and nobody ever believes me when I tell them they smile at me. Goddamn it. ![]() |
Drink WormA Worm that decides to keep its blood to itself, spitting out a single glob and then swallowing it back down. When this glob catches something in its path, the mild toxins within take epithelial cells with them. They then filter out these cells within their body and feed themselves with them, and have evolved so as to not need to eat very often. Their meat is rather stringy, but still very tasty, especially if smoked. ![]() |
RosenbergAn unassuming worm that, much like actual worms, feeds on the soil. It eats in much greater quantites at once, however. They retaliate via flinging this soil at their enemies. This is sometimes known as the Pocket Sand technique. Sometimes, however, they seem to be able to regurgitate sticky tar, which seems to serve no purpose other than to make your day worse. ![]() |
EddieA juvenile Round Worm. Its size belays a more aggressive personality. They attack more frequently than when they are grown, due to the Worm ecosystem being aggressively competitive. They make great delicious morsels when fried in oil. Almost like what some call the "chicken nuggie" or "McDonåldz". ![]() |
NeedleThe actual offspring of Pin. They prefer to jump in longer leaps than their pseudo-cousins, the Weavers. It is believed that their constant frown is due to the structure of their skeletons, but this has been disproven because worms do not have skeletons. In addition, they are annoying little shits who love to sneak up on you and ram themselves directly into your unsuspecting face and/or back. ![]() |
Eternal FlyA strange and enigmatic fly that is immune to all harm. They tend to circle random creatures, or, oddly, fecal matter containing kernels of corn. They opt to endlessly just circle whatever it is they choose to, so they really aren't dangerous if you just look where you're going. A few individuals have told me that they have been blessed by forces above, but this seems somewhat implausible to me. ![]() |
Animates |
SlammerSlammers are marshmallow-shaped blobs of flesh that have recently began to rapidly multiply in the Basement and almost every other layer below. Despite their rapid multiplication, it is still unknown how they do so. These creatures are only capable of moving themselves by contracting their body to jump upwards in insane distances upon release. They attack their enemies by leaping into the air until they reach the point where they cannot be harmed, then land directly on their opponent, causing extreme damage. However, if you pay attention to the shadows that they produce, they are incredibly easy to dodge, and are defenseless upon landing. Slammers are known for their adaptability, being able to evolve in ways that allow them to thrive in their current environment extremely fast. By rafeldemole ![]() |
WimpyWimpies are the young of Slammers, being born in litters of 5 to 10. The stronger ones attack in conjunction of one or more Slammers, usually their parents, while the runts of a litter attack in groups of other abandoned or weaker Wimpies. As they are still young, they cannot jump to the same heights as their adult counterpart, but do so more frequently. Similar to their full grown form, they jump until they are out of harm's way, but usually have to make multiple leaps in order to reach one victim. Upon landing, there's have less time to kill them, but as they are smaller they take much less damage before their ultimate demise. While a Slammer can usually survive in unknown or strange environments, Wimpies are almost guaranteed to die in environments they aren't used to. Although, supposedly someone has managed to befriend a Wimpy and have it as a companion, with this Wimpy being the only one to leave the Basement and survive comfortably. By rafeldemole ![]() |
DrumstickA small chunk of discarded flesh, animated by an organism within. The flesh they pilot is not theirs, and generally originates from carrion of other creatures. Nobody has ever seen an animate (as I have dubbed them) without something for them to pilot, leaving their reproductive habits rather baffling. For the reasons stated above, they tend to trail blood everywhere, though not in harmful amounts. They are able to attack but do not seem to attack intentionally, a few tiny blood shots being expelled from the pressure placed on their body when they hop about to locomote. ![]() |
ClottyA slightly larger hunk of discarded flesh, animated by the unknown organism within. Animates seem to be able to assimilate additional mass into themselves to grow in size and strength. Similarly to their smaller compatriots, they cause harm without realizing it via the way they locomote. Due to their increased size, the projectiles they produce are larger and travel further as well. Remember to kill it first before cooking. I'll never make that mistake again, that's for damn sure. ![]() |
ClotAn animate made of tar. It is unknown where this tar comes from, as tar is generally found much lower, in the Depths. Similarly to Clotties, their attacks are not intentional. They shoot globs of tar in the ordinal directions, leaving them safe to approach from the sides, generally speaking. A particularly long-lived Clot in its natural habitat (the Dank Depths) has grown very large. Most call it Gish. ![]() |
I.BlobA very confusing animate in the shape of the head of the Dreamer. Perhaps it is inhabiting one of the Dreamer's many corpses...? Their attacks go in both the cardinal and ordinal directions, making them tricky to approach. They are also notably fewer in number in the Basement than in other, much more secluded places. I do wonder how the Dreamer is doing. Nobody seems to have seen him for a long while, which is rather concerning. ![]() |
MinistroThe young of Monstro. Monstro is one of the few Animates with a full system of internal organs, and therefore capable of asexual reproduction--not a pretty sight, but rather interesting nonetheless. Spirited little things, they hop around in an attempt to imitate their father, though without the intelligence to discern friend from foe they often end-up trying to play-fight anything they come across. They do not possess the musculature to be able to perform the signature high leaps their parent does, and instead make short hops to move around. ![]() |
Nerve EndingA strange, almost inanimate organism that is content to sit around and do absolutely nothing. While they seemingly exist only to die, I do have a personal theory--they are only the tips of the respiratory system (yes, despite their names) of a much larger, floor-spanning colonial being. If severed from its base, it will wriggle about until it perishes. Its meat is spongy and its texture completely unappetizing and sinewy. ![]() |
DipAn animate making its home in a discarded blob of fecal matter. Rather small compared to other animates and as a result almost completely mindless. They aimlessly slide about on the floor of the Basement without a care in the world. This can lead them directly into things like fire and spikes, which spells certain doom for the poor dumb thing. Uniquely, they are able to merge together to form larger organisms, bolstering their size, strength, and mental capability. ![]() |
SquirtA medium-sized mass of Dips operating as a single colonial being. Despite the increased intelligence granted by multiple minds working at once, it is still rather dim. Less dim than a single dip, for certain, but still pretty dim by the standards of other creatures. When searching for material to add to itself, it propels itself in long, deliberate dashes that function both as a method of movement and attack. When injured, it splits back up into multiple Dips, as if this would somehow bolster its chances at survival. ![]() |
ShitlingAnother animate that chooses to make its home in the waste of another creature. However, should another creature of any kind come close, it will instead attempt to fire upon it with small bits of its own biomass. Theoretically, this is so they can possibly acquire more biomass and change into something like, say, a Clotty, but consider the fact they aren't able to move at this stage of their life, it's got quite a delay before they can actually do so. A Shitling will eventually grow into a Dung, or merge with Dungs and other Shitlings to become a Tall Boi. ![]() |
DungA slightly more grown Shitling, now possessing a boosted projectile capability and the ability to move. Their projectiles work fundamentally differently than their younger selves--they block the orifice on their forehead with solid matter (usually, a kernel of corn, contributing to corn's strange omnipresence) and build up pressure within while aiming. When enough pressure is built, the seal is shot out in an arc along with a spray of its own excess biomass within it onto your unsuspecting face. Yuck. A Dung will absorb any Shitlings it comes across without protest from either party. This helps them eventually grow, and should they subsume enough of their brethren they will grow even further into a Tall Boi. ![]() |
Tall BoiThe third stage in the Shitling line of animates. The hole on its "forehead" has migrated downwards to a location slightly below the midpoint between its eyes. They do not fire projectiles, instead using the pressure chamber to "whistle". This allows them to summon forth Shitlings from within itself to defend it, as it distinctly avoids close-quarters combat by sliding away from threats. Shitlings are summoned in groups of three. It is necessary that care be taken so as not to become overwhelmed in number. Also, imagine the hell that is being a Shitling left behind after the death of its summoner...tragic, even for literal living shit! ![]() |
BenignThe youth of a Tumor. Some believe that an animate that declines to find a host material eventually grows into one, which I personally find a little far-fetched but still, suprisingly, objectively plausible. At this point their anatomy is extremely basic--essentially a blob of flesh with a brain, a heart, and 3 canals connecting their respiratory and circulatory systems to the outside world. Their minds are extremely simple, floating about aimlessly until hitting an obstacle and continuing in a different direction. If (and only if) attacked, they expel a small amount of blood through each of their respiratory canals, essentially retaliating with weak projectiles from their "mouths". ![]() |
BludThe simplest known--or perhaps possible--animates. They have a puddle of caustic blood as their shell, which they attempt to slide under people who can't be assed to look directly in fucking front of them. If I can give them one thing, the damn things are resilient--due to their composition, they can't be killed traditionally, but even then they're mostly just a minor nuisance. ![]() |
PudA literal living puddle of diarrhea. There isn't much more I need to explain here. Dumbass thing can't even hurt you apart from making your footing a little unsteady, even. Why do they exist? ![]() |
FlapjackYoung meat-dwelling animates that feed on dust and detritus, via the sticky secretions of the flesh they've hijacked. They slide around aimlessly, leaving a trail akin to that of a snail. They remind me of my friend, who knew how to "shave" one, as she would call it, for meat without causing pain, producing long strips that could then be fried in oil or roasted over a fire for a delicious, if rather unhealthy, snack. Sometimes they congregate in small towers of up to 5 individuals, but they seem to display no particular compulsion to stay that way and will go their separate ways seemingly without protest at signs of danger. ![]() |
FlapstackSome Flapjacks congregated in a tower, operating as a single unit. They don't slide about like their separated selves, seemingly feeding on nothing--or perhaps sharing nutrients and food gathered when they were separate? Normally they'd only separate when attacked, but after watching one from a distance it separated of its own will--however, the topmost Flapjack had a bone protrusion unlike the others. Maybe these are the only ones who can initiate this grouped state? How curious... ![]() |
Constructs |
StonyA crude and basic golem that can only move about and not attack. Since they lack offensive capability, they instead opt to move in front of you and push you around. They do, however, pause to catch their breath occasionally, which is in conflict with their stone-based body. ![]() |
StoneletA small stone-based automaton in the shape of a Gaper. It follows intruders incessantly. Unlike Stonies, Stonelets actually maintain some combat capability--they fire weak projectiles at you, although they're telegraphed via the Stonelet inhaling beforehand. They are an intriguing subject--nobody seems to know what animates them or their other Construct brethren. ![]() |
TapAn automated pump residing in several of the pots and urns that dot the basement. They pour a ring of blood around the pot they reside in to keep away prospective demolitionists. Somehow, they seem to be able to change the pot they rest inside between pours. ![]() |
Cross StonyMagic has gone too damn far. To whoever created this, I'm glad to say I destroy every one of these fuckers that I see on sight. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. I bet you like the Bloat, don't you? Bitchass. Get the fuck outta here. ![]() |
Duke of FliesA Fly king, one of the two top positions of the Fly heirarchy. His insides are filled to the brim with a massive Moter clump, which allows his corpulent body to float--they are lifting it from within. He is followed by a cloud of Flies that defend him no matter what. This is for better and for worse--he is constantly defended, yes, but anything that dares come close to him is stung to high hell. He seems aware of this, and is able to order his army around. While he cannot distinctly call them off of their defensive duties, he can instead send them off for a menial task should non-combat interactions with another being be necessary. Extra notes: He seems to be from a generation before Baby Plum, thus acting as a father of sorts to her, as well as the rest of his nest. He is fiercely protective of his brethren, and if someone attacks them unprovoked he will retaliate with all his might. ![]() |
Baby PlumWell I'll be damned! A Fly queen in the flesh, much less a juvenile one! Most of the time they reside out of sight and possible danger, hidden away in their vast nests! For a Fly queen she is very friendly and understanding. She loves to play-fight, although she formerly tended to not know her own strength. She has learned to recognize when she accidentally hurts someone she's playing with, and often offers them a Heart in apology. She is able to order around her Fly brethren, but does not seem to do so often. However, when presented with a Mulligan, she was mortified and immediately ordered all flies to vacate the poor thing. Surprisingly, they were able to exit without tearing the Gaper apart, and despite the process being seemingly painful, the Gaper showed distinct gratitude and offered some coins it had in its possession at the time, which she promptly swallowed on the spot. Extra notes: As of now, she actively seeks out members of her nest in need as well as Mulligans to clear of parasites so that she may assist them with their problems. I have a keepsake from the first time I played her games--she offered me what seemed to be a handmade wind instrument, made of similar materials to the insides of Fly nests. When I played it after returning to safer ground, she actually descended from above and greeted me, leading to round 2. Perhaps this shows that this world isn't as bad as I initially thought... ![]() |
Larry Jr.Overgrown Round Worms, although they act more like the Chargers from below. Carnivorous and extremely hungry, they eat anything in their path and eventually defecate the waste out behind them. This is seemingly how the Basement is practically dotted with the stuff. Should you find yourself facing off with one or more Larries, always go for the head first. Attacking the body until it splits simply, frustratingly, and all-around terrifyingly just makes 2 Larries of smaller length! Extra notes: According to legend, they come from a war-torn area above this world, explaining their extreme anger and appetite, but this seems highly unlikely. For now, I'll discard this a a myth--I'll believe it when I see it. ![]() |
MonstroA fully-grown Animate, with uniquely developed internal structure. He seems to have lost a tooth recently, and seems to somehow know its location remotely, and is always on the move towards it. Unlike most Animates, he seems distinctly capable of asexual reproduction via a sort of budding. A tiny ball of flesh is expelled from his body and fed diligently with blood and meat, upon which eventually it will grow into a Ministro. Extra notes: ![]() |
DingleMany, many Dips fused into one larger organism. Can spit projectiles and propel itself around via sliding. In addition, it retains the "whistling" ability possessed by Tall Bois without also losing its ranged combat capacity. However, it summons Dips as opposed to Shitlings, which is perhaps for the best. Dingles have occasionally been spotted in different variations depending on the material of the Dips they are composed of, with varying abilities to match. Extra notes: As expected, it smells fucking awful. ![]() |
DangleA variation of a Dingle that contains less...viscous materials, as well as some corn. Nobody knows where this corn keeps coming from. It summons slightly different Dips known as Brownie Corns, and when propelling itself, it leaves a tiny landmine-esque mass behind which explodes into noxious gas and, you guessed it, corn. Attempts to use this noxious gas against it (i.e. Butt Bombs) will end in futility, as it has an understandable natural immunity to it...or does it? When one of these mines detonates in its vicinity, the biomass it leaves behind upon sliding around turns green and somewhat toxic. Odd! Extra notes: These are rarer than normal Dingles. However, should they continue to amass Dips and/or Corns into themselves, they eventually become a larger being known as a Brownie. ![]() |
GeminiTwo particularly long-lived Gapers connected since birth by an umbilical cord. Contusion is the larger twin, bearing some scars of battle, and Suture is the smaller one, floating out of harm's way. The two are as inseperable socially as they are physically, and protect one another with their lives. If either one were to perish, the other would fly into a blind rage, desiring only to avenge their fallen brother. Extra notes: Rarely, they can both survive detached from one another. However, they still seem to prefer one another's company. ![]() |
StevenA strange being rumored to travel through time. Does not seem to stay in one place for long. Are they made of some sort of vantablack-esque substance? I've never seen anything quite like them. Steven is not an official name--it is a name, like Larry, descended from what I assume to be myth. Extra notes: Sometimes, in the brief moments they show up, odd "holes" are left. Looking into them is not recommended, as it would likely give you a migraine due to the constantly shifting blacks, whites and greys within. ![]() |
Little HornA baby demon with a jolly disposition and a love for explosives. Insists he's evil, but the worst things I've ever seen him do are get overexcited over an apparently unattended bomb and steal it from a shop without realizing. Can be negotiated with via offering explosives and related items. Be warned, however--not because he is a demon of course. He's a child, and not a particularly smart one, either. I've seen him blow himself and others up by accident. Despite everything, I find him oddly lovable. He's cute, in a silly sort of way. Also, he possesses the ability to "dig", as he calls it--creating temporary holes in the ground which he and whatever he throws into them can travel through. Extra notes: Don't bully him! Not only would that be incredibly mean to this tiny lovable idiot child (you bastard!), but he also may summon his big brother--and let me tell you. His big brother does not fuck around. ![]() |
BuckThe ruthless leader of the sack-headed bandits populating the Caves. He stations himself at the Caves' entrance to either: A. Protect his fellow outlaws, B. Extort you for an entrance fee, or C. Beat you to a red pulp should you not comply with said fee. Very astute, and cunning, too. He knows how to sweet-talk, and how to intimidate as well. His brothers-in-arms will often come to aid him, as they care for their boss and he cares for them. It is said that he is very rich due to his criminal exploits, but it is unknown where he stashes his stolen goods. Extra notes: Should you defeat him in a fight, you earn his respect, and generally speaking he won't bother you for an entrance fee ever again. Buck is a man of his word, and that, too, is a trait I admire. Also, he's got a kickass baritone and a really strong Brooklyn accent, for some reason, which are traits I also admire. ![]() | |||||
...and LezA personal guard of Buck that assists him with taking out any threats to his power, as well as cooperating with him in combat. They work in tandem with Buck to attack, holding onto anything form blood, to Flies, to even Bombs in their efforts to defend their boss. They possess undying loyalty for Buck, and will gladly try to take on anything if it's for the sake of their leader. ![]() |
GurglingsThe infant newborns of the line of flesh-creatures (assumed to be animates) collectively called Gurdies. Sprightly and playful, they run about without a care in the world, unaware of the blood they leave behind them. Ever since the Dreamer dissappeared, they seem a lot less keen on actually hunting down food, and more just content with play-fighting their young days away. Extra notes: It is unknown how the young of Gurdies appear this far away from their birthplace and biological parent--the Mama Gurdy makes its home much deeper in the Womb. However, it seems that the Gurglings make a lifelong journey back to their birthplace as they mature and eventually become Mama Gurdies themselves (assumably). ![]() |
TurdlingsWhat is...I don't even... I guess this is proof that the Gurdy line are animates??? Maybe??? Maybe they're some kind of mutant? This kind of thing has never really been seen before as far as I know...At least they don't leave blood behind. Extra notes: Maybe they're a mimic species? I've never seen them age, personally. ![]() |
The Cellar is a sector of the Basement crawling with arachids, wandering spirits, and many, many boxes of unknown and useless flotsam. Occasionally, however, artifacts may be found within them, albeit rare.
Note: It is unknown why so many poltergeists and lost souls congregate here.
Gapers |
SkinnyA Gaper with a biological defect, causing it to grow excess skin. The skin sags off of their face, giving them a distinctive appearance. The excess skin impairs their mobility, but also causes them to leave a small trail of caustic blood behind. Once again, the Gapers seem to disregard these biological differences. The extra tissue does not seem to cause the Skinny itself much pain, either. ![]() |
HopperA pacer that jumps around as opposed to walking. It is unknown why they do this to locomote. Strangely, Hoppers never seem to be able to regenerate into Gapers, even with a head surgically attatched the Hopper remains biologically distinct. Similarly, they seem oddly resistant to heat and fire. I wonder if...well, I know what I'll be testing later. ![]() |
MulligoonA Mulligan that was smart enough to ingest a bomb instead of lodging it in their skull. This did actually cause the flies within them to vacate, and they are on the road to recovery. Until then, they carry the bomb within them. If cornered, they--similarly to ticking spiders--will do a suicide attack and leave a bomb where they once stood. Death works strangely here in this realm, clearly. Nobody seems to be that scared of it, even with the Dreamer seemingly completely absent. ![]() |
NestA foolish Gaper that wandered into Spider territory and was promptly infested with them from within. There is not much to be said about Nests that is not simply retreading information from normal Mulligans, but interestingly, the spiders within them seem to strive to keep their host alive. If killed, the largest Spider within them either escapes them (as a Big Spider) or takes control of their remains (as a Trite). ![]() |
MargeA slightly different kind of Mulligan whose head hosts a large, tumorous growth home to a breeding ground for Swarm Flies in specific. Their growth makes them only able to walk around very slowly, and the Swarm Flies within them seem to not exit unless the host body is destroyed somehow. It is unknown why the possess the name Marge. At least, it's unknown to me. ![]() |
HauntedA Gaper of whom the connection between body and soul is weak and malleable. The Haunted possess a unique power as a result of this--they are able to fire shots which phase through walls and obstacles in order to hit opponents more easily. Upon the death of their body, their soul continues pursuit of threats as a Yawner. Once again, a testament to the mysteries of death within the Basement... ![]() |
CrotchetyAnother Gaper whose soul is not strongly connected to their body. This one bears a rather belligerent attitude as a result. This Gaper will actively retaliate with spectral shots when attacked, and when their body perishes, their spirit lives on to fire off one last triple-spectral-shot attack. After this attack, their soul fades, apparently moving on. To where, however, is unknown as of this writing. ![]() |
DimAnother corporeality-challenged Gaper. This one, however, underwent an intense existential crisis. It declines to fire shots like its brothers, but when killed its ghost is impervious to all harm as it chases after whatever killed it. Eventually, like all things, it will move on, and leave for parts unknown. It's becoming more and more apparent to me that Death is not as simple as "live and then die" here. Perhaps I could use this to my advantage...? ![]() |
Insects |
SpiderA small arachnid native to mustier environments. They are known for their eratic movements and massive colonies. Though smaller than many other arachnids that call this environment home, they are still a keystone species in many ecosystems. Though they are usually prey to much larger species, such as the Night Crawler and Clotty, Spiders contain a potent venom capable of taking down prey up to 5 times their size. Spiders are able to build massive compact colonies in the form of "Sacks", balls of web and other materials that allow for shelter and breeding accommodation. Occasionally, however, spiders will make their way into the pots and urns that litter the Cellar and even Basement, though it is unknown if ones found in foreign floors where moved there with the pot or not. By Crispy ![]() |
Big SpiderA larger, older form of the smaller Spider, Big Spiders are the result of years of growth and competition. They are the healthiest bull Spiders found in swarms. The strongest in Spider colonies, Big Spiders are much more powerful in their strength and venom compared to their smaller peers. Big Spiders are unable to reside in Sacks, and instead fight for competition in larger Cobwebs, those of which encompass Big Spider territory as a whole. Unlike their smaller kin, who tend to prey on flies and weak Horfs, Big Spiders not only have the power to take down species as large as Bumblers, but will actively hunt and consume their smaller brethren. It is theorized this doubles as a way to eliminate competition, killing and eating any male Spiders before they come of age. By Crispy ![]() |
Level 2 SpiderIn contrast to their smaller cousins, the so called "Level 2" Spider is a much larger and therefore more aggressive relative of the Spider that lakes the communicative abilities of it's relatives. Level 2 Spiders act as the second tier of predation in Cellars and other danker, more humid environments. Though they lack the ability to communicate and organize colossal swarms like smaller Spiders, they gain brute force and a much more developed mouthpart, allowing for the ability to administer a stronger bite and more powerful venom. Though far more brutish than their smaller siblings, Level 2 Spiders are still victims to predation from both other species and adults of their kind. By Crispy ![]() |
Baby SpiderSpider newborns. They are born in large droves, as on their own, they are unable to harm, only pester you. They congregate in large swarms and occasionally take down (very) small prey so that they may feast. For someone as large as you or me, all we have to do is just walk through them and they die fast and young. Baby Spiders hold many possible roles to grow up into, making raising them in captivity a highly interesting study, if you can keep them alive long enough. ![]() |
TriteA large Spider parasitically controlling a Horf, having burrowed into its anatomy and hijacked its biological processes for its own benefit. By carrying around the Horf, its musculature has grown in mass, allowing it to more easily locomote--not via walking, however, as the Horf is too large for it to adequately allow it to walk. Instead, it jumps through the air with untold precision, in long arcing leaps. Trites are sometimes used like livestock by other, more intelligent Spiders--the regenerative capabilities of Horfs allow for Trites to essentially be a walking (well, hopping) meat farm. ![]() |
Nanny Long LegsA large Spider that has evolved so as to better guard the territories of itself and other Spiders. While those who do not trespass are often simply deterred with a projectile or two, those who intrude on the webs they and many other Spiders call home are instead furiously chased off, and in some particularly disobedient cases, downed and eaten. Nanny Long Legs get their names due to the fact that Sacks often dot the webs they guard, lending them a protectorate, nanny-esque image. ![]() |
SpooterThe Spider's answer to the Pooter, instead bearing a turret on its top side as a conversion of its abdomen. Just like Pooters, their ranged capabilities allow them to be effective hunters, although Spooters seem to take a more defensive role. As a darkly amusing side note, every single fight between a Pooter and a Spooter has ended in a one-shot mutual kill. I suppose they are still effective as the Pooter is dead too. ![]() |
Super SpooterA Spooter whose abdomen has grown further, allowing it to fire twin shots. Many of the avoidance techniques (that is, literally just fucking standing still) for Super Pooters apply here as well. They also possess the same baffling, idiotic blind spot. Unlike normal Pooter-Spooter combat, Super Pooter and Super Spooters endlessly fire at one another. This is because they'll never land a goddamn fucking single hit on either side!!! ![]() |
Mega SpooterA very rare, further grown Super Spooter, now with the amazing, unique ability to ACTUALLY SHOOT DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF ITSELF!! It fires an even spread of three blood shots, allowing it to both actually fucking defend itself and also reduce risk of being flanked by its enemies. It should be noted, however, that the weight of the blood cannon seems to cause the Mega Spooter mild discomfort. That's the price of power, I guess! ![]() |
FractureA very rare Trite that has hijacked a Dumpling instead of a Horf, with the Dumpling's internal pressure mechanisms allowing it ranged combat capability. It possesses two main methods of attack--a single aimed blood shot, but also a fountain of blood shots achieved via abuse of the Dumpling's balloon-esque lungs. They are very rare solely for the reason that Dumplings A. float in the air almost 100% of the time and B. a Dumpling can just expel gas to shake off any possible Spider threat, due to the Spiders' minuscule size. ![]() |
Ticking SpiderA Level 2 Spider that has erroneously ingested a bomb. These bombs can come from numerous different places, anywhere from just unattended Bombs sitting around to being accidentally consumed while feasting on a poor Mulliboom. Still possessing the brute force of their non-explosive counterparts, they rush towards threats and hunt them. However, if killed, the bomb within them will ignite as a parting gift/final sendoff/suicide attack. Should a Ticking Spider continue to eat explosives, they eventually turn into a Migraine. ![]() |
MigraineWhen a Ticking Spider just can't get enough of those delicious low explosives, it eventually becomes a Migraine. Upon death, the bombs do ignite, however, as opposed to just directly exploding, they are violently shunted out of their corpse due to internal pressure. The best course of action in case of this is either to run away quickly, or hope you have an artifact capable of defusing them before they set off and consequently fill the area with shrapnel. The Migraine's name comes from how fucking annoying they are to deal with, as they are capability of undoing large amounts of construction handiwork in mere minutes should they die, which the unassuming bystander will likely do so as to defend themself. ![]() |
Baby Long LegsSpiders that have grown and matured further, and now take on mostly non-combat roles. When young, Baby Long Legs can place pheremone markings ordering the Spiders in the surrounding area to start building a Sack at a specified location. Once they are grown, however, they reach reproductive maturity and begin to birth Spiders on their own. The spiders they gestate within themselves are born in a slightly more grown state than Baby Spiders to make up for the lower rate of birth by comparison. ![]() |
Crazy Long LegsOccasionally, the mutations causing a Level 2 Spider engage on the Baby Long Legs, causing them to ditch their normal utilities in favor of berserker combat. They are able to fire blood projectiles radially around them, allowing them to fight their way through the crowds that would normally overwhelm smaller Spiders. Crazy Long Legs are not known to grow further than their large state due to the intense competition that is the norm for the Spider ecosystem. ![]() |
Full SpiderA lucky Spider that has engorged itself on the blood of its prey, similarly to a Full Fly. They are generally around the same as Level 2 or Ticking Spiders, but on death the pressurized blood within them sprays out (as their name implies). They are particularly rare for this reason, as their pressurized insides are extremely easy to rupture. ![]() |
Swarm SpiderA middle stage between Baby Spiders and plain Spiders in growth, Swarm Spiders still congregate in large groups to take down prey. They hop in order to locomote, as their increased size could possibly lead them to trip, step on, or trample one another otherwise. Apart from hunting, Swarm Spiders mostly just hide in the shadows, which explains why they don't seem to show up as often. ![]() |
SackA densely-packed Spider nest. Its occupants can quickly rebuild it should it get damaged. Spiders sometimes exit the Sack to defend it, although repairs are always higher in priority than defense. In addition, normal Sacks are always firmly affixed to the ground. If left unchecked, a Sack can become a regular Spider Nest, and function as a compact Spider breeding ground. ![]() |
Walking SackA Sack built by opportunistic Spiders on top of a Pacer, preventing it from regenerating but allowing the Sack atop it to locomote. However, it lacks sight, and tends to just wander aimlessly. Walking Sacks themselves have a harder time regenerating due to the constantly shifting base they are built upon--with the muscles constantly contracting and extending it is very difficult to get an adequate grip. Sometimes, if a Walking Sack is somehow allowed to grow back, it can become a Coby (if it does so poorly) or a Sack Boy (if it regenerates to completion). ![]() |
CobyA Gaper whose internal anatomy was ravaged by the Sack initially affixed to it. Like most Gapers, however, it doesn't seem to be bothered by it. Similarly to Sack Boys, Cobies are a bit of a categorical mystery--is it a Spider entity, or a Gaper? Due to the way they seem to be born, I'll just place them here. On death, a Coby bursts into pressurized Sack matter, forming a circle of web around it. ![]() |
Sack BoyA Spider colony in a symbiotic relationship with the Gaper they hijacked and inhabited. They work in tandem to produce more Spiders, both of the grown and newborn variety. Sack Boys show no pain from their Spider infestation, and actually seem to protect and sometimes even dote upon their arachnid charges. Killing a Sack Boy is a surefire way to piss off a Spider colony, and killing a Spider colony is a sure way to piss off a Sack Boy. ![]() |
RansackedA poor Dweller that wandered into the wrong place at the wrong time, currently being fed upon by Spiders. Occasionally, however, a Sack Boy willingly lets their Spiders build a Ransacked around themself, which allows the Spiders to heal its injuries and repair its bodily integrity. Nobody knows why they look so...unusually phallic. The way they twitch from the Spiders moving about inside does not help matters in the slightest, either. ![]() |
Sticky SackThis Sack has a much higher population of breeding Spiders within, allowing them to produce newborn Baby Spiders with impressive efficiency. This comes at the cost of their quality of repairs, but with so many new Spiders being born, it doesn't really seem to matter much in the grand scheme of Spider affairs. They're called Sticky Sacks due to the unset liquid Spider silk they tend to expel when newborns exit the Sack. This liquid silk can often be spun into prized, high-quality silk fabric, if set correctly first. ![]() |
Walking Sticky SackA Sack built upon a Gusher in specific always becomes a Sticky Sack, due to the steady supply of blood to feed on assisting greatly with sustenance of the high number of newborns. Due to the greater weight upon their body, Walking Sticky Sacks tend to have an unbalanced gait. While they cannot grow into the likes of a Coby or Sack Boy, in very rare (unless artificially stimulated into occurring) circumstances they may grow even further, resulting in a Stumbling Sticky Sack. ![]() |
Stumbling Sticky SackA Walking Sticky Sack that has grown very large, causing the Gusher below to need to support even more weight than before. They produce Baby Spiders extremely quickly, making them a valuable asset in maintaining the Spider population. As a bonus, they also produce tons of liquid Spider silk, but while harvesting it is a relatively risk-free affair, the pure immorality of using what may or may not be sentient as what is essentially livestock is highly frowned upon. ![]() |
Wall CreepAn odd quadrapodal insect that has adapted to live its entire life clinging to walls and steep inclines. They align themselves with what they consider threats and then fire a simple burst of three shots at it. They aren't particularly worrisome, but should multiple participate in a hunt at once, the bullets can quickly become overwhelming. It is unknown how they feed, but anecdotal evidence points to them feeding on carcasses--but only when nobody else is around, as on floors and ceilings their mobility is highly impaired due to maladaptation of their legs (which are built to resist gravity in a very specific manner). ![]() |
Blind CreepAn unfortunate Wall Creep lacking an eye. Somehow, they still seem to be able to align themselves with targets. Despite this, their aiming seems to be hindered due to a critical lack of sight, so they fire their three shots in a spread formation instead of a single-file line. According to the same source of anecdotal evidence as before, Wall Creeps will feed their blind brothers so that they, too, can survive. Touching! ![]() |
SkuzzStrange, flea-esque insects. They are a recently-developing third adversary in the Spider-Fly conflict. Skuzzes possess two surprisingly muscular legs that allow them to take high, arcing jumps to better cover distance and outrun potential predators. Due to how recently they've seemed to appear, they seem to display less biodiversity compared to the much more long-standing Flies and Spiders. ![]() |
Ring SkuzzSkuzz scavengers, seemingly learned by example from Flies in terms of actions and communication. As opposed to hunting, Skuzzes mostly feed on carrion, preferring flesh where rot has set in. Their high jumps allow them to survey a surprisingly large distance around themselves. Their sync is even more impressive than Ring Flies, gracefully arcing through the air, almost as if dancing... ![]() |
Army SkuzzAs opposed to the distinctly combat-oriented Army Flies, Army Skuzzes instead function as scouts, seeking out areas of respite for themselves and other Skuzzes to nest within. Instead of proceeding in a single-file line, Army Skuzzes instead lead in a "march" of sorts, one after the other, to better cover land. Skuzzes tend to congregate in dusty, quiet areas, free of potential conflict due to their less-than-stellar offensive capabilities. ![]() |
BroodThe Fly equivalent of a Baby Long Legs, bearing a similar genetic makeup. Unfortunately, they seem to be completely infertile. Due to this, in an act deemed to be of incredible jealousy, they tear off parts of Sacks and carry them on their own. When threatened, they retaliate by throwing this chunk of Spider nest at attackers and then leaving the threat to deal with the Spiders on their own. The young of Broods are never seen outside of Fly nests. The purpose they serve within them is unknown, but Broods themselves are actually rather low on the Fly hierarchy. Information contributed by Ferrium ![]() |
ZinglingThe basic attack drones of the beehives dotting the Cellar. They can retaliate with weak projectiles. Being the lowest of the Bee castes, however, they are considered expendable and often do a kamikaze attack involving firing their stinger at threats, which bounces around and persists much longer than a liquid blood shot. Should they fire off their stinger, they tend to drop to the ground and promptly bleed out if not taken back to their hive. ![]() |
BeeterLarger, fatter, and slightly tougher Bee soldiers. They seem to generally be used as area denial. The Beeter's stinger is blunted and unable to be fired out. Instead, however, their abdomens are fitted with 3 orifices capable of spraying blood shots over a small area to keep possible intruders out. They are considered slightly less expendable than Zinglings for this reason. ![]() |
HomerIf a Zingling is repeatedly healed back at its hive after firing off its stinger, it will eventually grow into a Homer. Their stingers have grown larger and bear an aerodynamic, drill-esque pattern that allows them to steer midair. It is unknown how the stinger manages to track the Homer's adversaries in specific, though. Still, this attack capability places them higher than both Zinglings and Betters. Homers also take much longer to bleed out following firing their stinger, allowing them to return to their Hive without external assistance. ![]() |
StinglerA further-grown Beeter that has traded its blood cannons for numerous reusable stinger mounts. Stinglers are able to retalitate by firing stingers roughly identical in composition to those of Zinglings. Unusually, they seem to be able to do this multiple times, and the space that the Stinger is fried from generally has a new one in it, given a few days to regenerate. They are roughly on the same standing as Homers, being mid-tier soldiers for their Hive. ![]() |
HoverA Zingling that has grown without ever losing its stinger. Its eyes have migrated and its stinger is larger and sharper. The reason their eyes have migrated is solely to accomodate their new method of attack: A quick stinger-first ram. For some reason, they seem to prefer to do this in the ordinal directions. They lie above Homers and Stinglers on the Bee soldier castes, due to their tougher bodies and strong melee attacks. ![]() |
Honey EyeA sort of support unit in the Bee troops, Honey Eyes spit globs of adhesive, viscous honey via their eye socket to slow down prey, giving the other Bees easier kills. Honey Eyes are not able to attack well on their own, so they always accompany other Bees in combat. A lone Honey Eye is essentially harmless, and can actually be used to harvest sweet honey for consumption or other uses. Despite their lackluster combat abilities when all by their lonesome, they are just above Stinglers but below Hovers on the Bee social system. ![]() |
HoneydripA juvenile Bee queen. A princess, perhaps? They possess the ability to birth live young, oddly, as well as cause minor tremors via slamming their impressive heft and massive stinger into the ground. The seeming Dart Flies that they birth are actually young Bees, having taken to biological and behavioral mimicry to avoid threats and predators. They lie just below the Queen on the Bee castes, and are often "heirs to the throne", so to speak. ![]() |
ReceptorA rather unsettling display. It is a Gaper that is currently being consumed by a Receptor. Receptors are the gatherers of the Bees, taking pollen from available sources as well as flesh to feed on when pollen is not available. Receptors disable their prey via stings before either carrying or "piloting" them back to the Hive to be eaten for sustenance. ![]() |
Spirits |
Lil' HauntA tiny ghost roaming the Cellar for unknown reasons. They chase down attackers, occasionally firing spectral shots composed of what is assumed to be ectoplasm upon them. They seem to answer to The Haunt, being sent out by them in search of...who knows, really? ![]() |
YawnerThe soul of a deceased Gaper, chasing down others in a panic. Where does it go when it itself perishes? How can one kill that which is already dead? Only further reasearch will tell, I feel. For a ghost, they move extremely quickly, but have a hard time turning. Use this to your advantage if you ever find yourself beset by one! ![]() |
SpoopThe lost soul of an Animate, apparently. Or is it an animate residing in a deposit of ectoplasm? It's a curious little paradox. They tend to avoid threats instead of fighting back, but when given no other option, they throw themselves at their foe and explode in a concentrated burst of spiritual energy. Does this kill them? Or is it them moving to an afterlife? ![]() |
ShirkAnother Gaper soul, this one maintaining the form of a Horf. Instead of flying about like most other ghosts, it opts to travel via short-ranged teleportation. But the nature of the teleportation, like most things concerning the souls of the departed, is a mystery--is it dissappearing and reappearing elsewhere? Is it moving through another plane usable only by spirits and the like? It's such an interesting concept, but one I have no hope of researching on my own due to my subjects teleporting away every damn time! Still bearing their Horf instincts, they fire globs of ectoplasm at potential threats. But what even is a threat when you're already dead? ![]() |
Animates |
CornA Dip with a few corn kernels shoved into it. It seems to have slightly heightened intelligence and mobility as a result. Not that it matters much, however, as even with their heightened abilities they are content o just dash around aimlessly...only faster. Oh no, how horrifying! I swear, something has to be up with all this corn! I need to track down Fiend ASAP. ![]() |
DroppinIt seems like the parasite that would usually form a Globin has somehow made its way to the Cellar, using fecal matter rather than flesh cells as a host. Much like their fleshy relatives, the Droppin can form into a tiny pile of waste when almost dead, and rebuild itself accordingly. However, with Droppins, they seem to lose a small part of their mass whenever they break down. When this occurs, the lost mass generally turns into one or two Dips. Due to the fact that they possess actual limbs, they have a much easier time trying to find mass to add to their bodies. This in itself also gives Droppins notably high mobility in comparison to almost all other feces-based animates. By funnymanlimbs, sprite edited by MillieAmp ![]() |
DumplingAn Animate that has grown anatomy, similarly to the Tumor family. This one's internal organs are mostly occupied by a giant sort of ballast-lung that allows it to float like a balloon. To meaningfully locomote through the air, they expel tiny bits of gas from the seam on their body almost inaudibly. However, when needing to move quickly or escape a predator, they expel a much larger quantity of gas. This serves the dual purpose of both pushing away their adversary and propelling them away and, eventually, to safety. I've never tried this myself, but someone formerly very close to me has told me that their meat is very rubbery. Unless something is done to combat the almost unchewable texture of the meat, it's basically just very mildly savory rubber when cooked. ![]() |
DriftyDespite seeming very similar, Drifties are not the young of Dumplings--they are taxonomically related pretty closely, however. They use blood shots to propel themselves backwards through the air, as unlike Dumplings, their lungs lack a sufficiently large and powerful non-breathing hole to force air through. Their "mouth" is connected to solely their digestive tract, leaving just where all that air comes from a mystery. Perhaps it's a byproduct of digestion? My friend always told me to toss basically everything except the contractor muscle when preparing them as a meal, and simmer in oil. The one time they did prepare this for me, it was surprisingly delicious--the meat was lightweight yet just chewy enough, and the taste was the perfect mix of buttery and savory. Despite the comparatively small quantity of meat yielded per specimen, I highly recommend you try it, although nobody (in my opinion) will ever make them better than she did. ...I miss her. ![]() |
Mega ClottySome Clotties that have clumped together. It is unknown if this is intentional, as is in the Dip family, or their exposed flesh simply grew attached to one another. Like their singular variants, they expel blood when hopping about, but in much greater qualities--enough to leave a trail of irritant blood behind them. As much of an opportunity to feast as it may seem, you never know what kind of meat you'll find within, so take care--you wouldn't want to eat bits of a poor dead Gaper now, would you? ![]() |
Brother BloodyThe juvenile form of the much more dangerous Baby family. It is believed that Babies briefly use their teleportation ability to escape to the Cellar when ready to reproduce--via removing the very tip of their "tail" and leaving it in a quiet and secluded location before promptly teleporting away. Before they mature, these juvenile Babies (feels weird writing that, heh) take on a sort of symbiotic/parasitic relationship with a random host, following them around and attacking in tandem with them so that they may feast on the leftovers of whatever meal their host successfully hunts and kills. They lack the signature teleportation abilities of their older kin, so they instead just use the latent levitation to move around more easily. ![]() |
GnawAn Animate that took over a dying Horf, leading its regenerative abilities to malfunction. This resulted in its off-putting eyeless anatomy, as well as inability to bleed. Due to this aforemented inability to bleed, a Gnaw never actually shoots at things--instead, it relies on its powerful jaw muscles. The inherent danger of such a thing is thankfully offset by their extremely limited movement, only being able to move via short hops. Their aforementioned jaws are indeed extremely strong--strong enough to crush rocks between their gigantic teeth and spit them out as an improvised barrage, which is quite painful despite its low range. In summary--don't get close to the creature with the huge mouth that wants nothing more than to bite you. By funnymanlimbs ![]() |
Dust BunnyAn Animate that has possessed a dust mote, and bears no mind or goal apart from accreting more dust into itself. Depending on where they are living (they live in a surprising variety of locations!) their color can vary immensely. It is for this reason that they are often used as one of the few non-Spider sources of fabric in this place. Should they gather enough dust and moisture, they eventually become an Edema. More importantly, however, these have actually allowed us a glimpse into what a bodiless animate may actually look like--a central nucleus containing a simplistic brain, with black tendrils extending outward from it that end in either thorn-esque sharpened points, or sensory organs such as eyes or mouths! ![]() |
Constructs |
Decoy BoyA golem made out of wood, which is a departure from their relatives who are generally made of stone. They are always present in groups of Decoys, though the Decoy Boy itself can only move one at a time. Only the one that is animated at the time can be meaningfully damaged, which will force it out where the controller itself can actually be fought. The only ways to kill it are via attacking the animate Decoy or the controller itself. I wonder who keeps building all these, anyway, and for what reason...these only ever seem to get more and more interesting! ![]() |
Spider TurretAn automatic turret that shoots out globs of sticky silk in an arc that splatter into sticky mush on impact. Interstingly, the silk is sourced by a colony of Spiders living inside the Turret! A very neat use of the local wildlife for sure. Like most other Constructs, Spider Turrets stop attempting to attack if there are no non-Dreamer entities in the room. Perhaps this was something intentionally programmed in? ![]() |
Wall HuggerA very simplistic mobile spike-block. It moves on its own, clinging to walls. It is unknow how they locomote, as with all of the spike-block based traps, as nobody has ever managed to see the underside of them. Some suggested theories include miniature wheels, minuscule levitation (a few millimeters off of the ground perhaps?), or, more unsettlingly, an organism trapped within the block-shaped shell. This is seemingly not the earliest model of this type of trap, which makes me believe that they were not created here and instead set by someone else--someone who probably wants to watch the world burn (see the next layer for more on that). ![]() |
SlideSpeaking of people who want to watch the world burn... The Slide is a sidegrade of the Wall Hugger, with their lower numbers being counterbalanced by their uncanny ability to sabotage the ankles of nearby individuals with alarming efficiency. When not detecting a trespasser, Slides stay still. However, when an unfortunate person enters the spaces adjacent to its 4 sides, it rushes out in an attempt to defend territory, or whatever other unknown purpose their creator set them to fulfull. ![]() |
HoneydropThe Queen of the Cellar's hive. She commands all of the other bees within with a gentle yet firm guiding hand. Bees tend to act more submissive in her presence, not attacking threats unless she explicitly orders them to. She has the largest stinger of all, which can actually be fired out as its own organism, called a Bella. A new Bella grows over the course of around a month, and when a Bella is not present, Honeydrop produces royal jelly from the hole where the Bella resided once was. Extra notes: Despite knowing its origins, royal jelly is extremely tasty and healthy. After all, it's sort of like baby formula for bees, so if they benefit from it, we may as well too (by asking nicely). Special thanks to ![]() |
The WhispersA trio of sneaky poltergeists who love to cause chaos and mischief. Their names are Itchy (teeth), Dose (x-eyes), and Ménage-à-Trois (big mouth), though to put it bluntly I have a sneaking suspicion they were probably just fucking with me. Tricky little buggers, they are always seen together, spinning around in a "friendship circle" as they call it. Above all: don't trust these assholes. They can and will laugh at your suffering. Extra notes: Even The Haunt theirself is frustrated with them, as it can frequently be seen comically berating them for their idiotic antics. Part of me wonders when these idiots will swallow their pride and just move on, like the others, but they seem content to just cause mischief as phantoms. ![]() |
The CowardA timid little baby demon similar to Little Horn, but actually from a different lineage entirely. He has the capability to use concentrated spheres of Brimstone, but more often than not just doesn't want to fight at all. It is extremely easy to convince him not to fight, but difficult to convince him you aren't a threat at all. Thankfully, Maggie was able to help, what with her sunny disposition and all. Coward was not the title given to him--Demons are given titles rather than names, generally (see his big brother, the Adversary, and big sister, the Siren) Extra notes: He is a precious little baby boy, and his older siblings protect him with their life. Bullying him is an easy way to get pummeled and then deafened by his older siblings when he calls them for help. ![]() |
Big Johnny (& Dunce)Once upon a time, there was a Gaper who grew past the strength of even the strongest Bowler. Unfortunately, his life was ended prematurely when he wandered into the Mausoleum in order to steal an artifact the cultists within were rumored to possess. His life may have ended early, but it's not like death would ever stop his winning streak. Johnny now forces his way into the bodies of Dunces--Gapers without souls--and commandeers them to do his bidding, although sometimes in his strength he actually tears his host bodies apart! Extra notes: Johnny was an insulting name given by the cultists to their adversary, but Johnny himself took it in stride and used it to differntiate himself. He is one of the few non-Dreamers to have ever earned Buck's respect. Dunce sprite edited by MillieAmp ![]() |
Blighted OvumContusion and Suture are inseperable, even in seeming death. In a sense, it is both heartwarming and disturbing, seeing as they still look out for one another. The twins both ended up suffering from an unknown disease, but only Suture ended up dying as a result--his soul clings onto this world as a result of his love for his brother. Due to the sheer strength of will required to even do such a thing, Suture seems to have gained the power to utilize a limited form of Brimstone in the process. Contusion, however, is terminally ill. He bleeds caustic blood, but not of his own volition--he's as friendly as ever, but should you try to harm Suture, his reduced body mass from said illness allows him to sprint about even more quickly than his actually healthy self. Extra notes: Contusion also seems to have developed improved stamina, as he no longer simply stops to catch his breath when chasing a target. Instead, he simply slows down for a moment. Smart! These two just add even more to the mystery that is death in the Basement. While I've seen them healthy, diseased, then miraculously healthy once more, I've never seen their healthy and ill selves in the same place at the same time. To me, this suggests some sort of cycle of reincarnation--a fascinating yet immensely existentially horrifying notion to be sure! ![]() |
Rag ManOne of the Mausoleum's many scouts/field researchers/foot soldiers. Despite the name, there are actually many Rag Men out and about--it's really more of a title than anything, or so I'm told. (Also, every time I say it as a title, they remind me that it's one word. How do they even tell if I'm saying it with a space between or not...!?) To become a Extra notes: As with many of the researchers in the Mausoleum, they have a certain sense of honor about them--that is to say, they will not fight if not provoked, as generally they just tend to be researching the oddities of this place just as much as I am. Maybe I should try to reach their commune sometime and share my wisdom! Some say the way they detach their head is just an illusion that they cast when summoning forth Raglings, but their requirement to study regeneration magic seems to suggest otherwise. ![]() |
WidowThe extremely aggressive matriarch of the Spiders, who rules with an iron fist and an intolerance for disobedience unlike anything I've ever seen. Her age is unknown, although her gigantic size seems to suggest that she's very old--at least, in Spider terms. She is able to leap large distances, similarly to a Trite, as well as designate locations for Sacks and spit out Spiders from within herself. Extra notes: She has been seen both eating her arachnid underlings for sustenance and also just flat-out killing them by crushing them beneath her. I would hate to have to work for someone such as that, to be killed for the slightest mistake...it sends shivers down my spine just thinking about it. ![]() |
PinThe largest Needle in the Cellar. Its movements are much more slow and methodical than their smaller, younger kin, however. Pin seems to just want to stay out of trouble--its only recent attacks have been on idiots trying to provoke it, perhaps for that delicious, juicy Weaver meat. When provoked, Pin attacks via ramming itself into its adversaries, as well as occasionally vomiting up a shot composed of a volatile mixture of blood and digestive juices. This shot explodes on impact, which is generally what causes the most death among the fools who try to harm it. Extra notes: Other sources paint a much grimmer picture of Pin, as something much more aggressive than it already is. In addition, they also purport that it can detect even the most minuscule vibrations in the ground above. Believers of this superstition tend to walk in an awkward, arrhythmic shuffle, which while objectively making sense a way to fool a hypothetical creature with such a detection system, also tends to look completely and utterly ridiculous. ![]() |
The HauntThe big mac-daddy leader of many of the Ghosts found in the Cellar. Was it born a ghost, or simply spent a long enough time without moving on? It keeps a small legion of guards around it at all times, although it is unknown whether this is for defense reasons or just for the company. When needing to intimidate someone, it pulls back its skin/sheath/ectoplasm/bedsheet--I have no idea what it is--to reveal its skull, which is, surprisingly, corporeal. Extra notes: Its subordinates seem to follow a sort of chain of command, which operates based on intelligence rather than strength. Because of this, the Whispers (which are seemingly the strongest ghosts barring the Haunt itself) are very low, because even collectively the three of them are just complete and utter fucking jackasses. ![]() |
FamineOne of the four horsemen of the supposed apocalypse. When asked about this, he usually gives a noncommittal response along the lines of "Well, just you wait!" or "Any minute now! You'll see." He rides about on his steed, commanding Flies and Pooters around for seemingly no reason. Apparently, he works for Satan down in Sheol, but was reassigned here after what he deems his "greatest failure". I was unable to squeeze any details of such a failure out of him, though. Extra notes: When Maggy mentioned the Dreamer's name to him, he seemed to immediately get apprehensive and anxious. Maybe the Dreamer had something to do with it? Apparently due to this failure, Satan called forth four more horsemen, although according to Famine two of them have yet to actually show up. ![]() |
For some reason, a sector of the Basement seems to be constantly licked by flames, causing many strange, dangerous and interesting adaptations by the local wildlife. It's a sort of wave structure--the areas that are burning leave black, ashen rooms in their wake, but even then those will eventally return to normal. These rooms eventually start to burn once more--and so the cycle continues.
Note: The smell of smoke makes me nostalgic--the scent of burning Hickory permeates the place, so personally, I don't think it's that bad.
Flaming GaperThe Gapers' pain resistance and adaptability are almost perfectly exemplified with the Flaming Gaper! Their flesh constantly combusts, and yet they pay no heed--in fact, the flames on their body seem to invigorate them, which is absolutely fascinating! Eventually, should their body be completely consumed by the fire, they do not die but instead turn into a Charlie. I suppose it's just another part of the circle of life and death here! ![]() |
Flaming FattyA Fatty sustaining internal and external combustion. As a result, they often smell like freshly-cooked meat due to the fat content of their bodies. Damn, I'm hungry... They don't seem to mind how they are in essence being cooked from within, and trod onward as usual. However, as opposed to just flatulence, they often expel whatever flammable biomass is within them, which leaves sort of tiny bonfires made of burnt meat. Like Sooties, a flame lift unchecked will eventually turn a Flaming Fatty into a Big Smoke. Extra note: Like their non-fat cousins, they seem to faintly sizzle. ![]() |
CrispyA Skinny being cooked from within. Curiously, it seems to actually be suffering pain from this. It burns from within, as earlier stated, but this motivates it via pain to try to put itself out however possible, whether this be via the water barrels scattered about by the Keepers' Association or simply by ramming itself into things in a crude attempt to snuff it out. Instead of becoming an ashen variant of their normal self, should a Crispy burn out on its own, its spirit instead becomes a Smogger. ![]() |
Flaming HopperA Hopper invigorated by the torch-esque flame being sustained in its neckhole. They jump about with impressive agility, which is in theory caused by the pain of the fire, but the usual pain tolerance of Gapers seems to counteract this fact... Interestingly, their bodies resemble more the ashen Gapers of the rooms that have ceased to burn, which leads me to believe that they are a sort of midpoint between a flaming and ashen state. ![]() |
Mr. FlareAn almost-hollow Horf burning on the outside and inside, leading to its Jack-O'-Lantern-esque appearance. Due to its projectile systems being naught but black crumbs, it expels bits of burning flesh (similarly to a Flaming Fatty) around itself to deter predators. You'd think everything here would smell like a barbequeue gone wrong, but a lot of the meat here seems to be perfectly cooked, which is something I'm certainly thankful for. ![]() |
Mr. CrisplyBut what if what happens to a Mr. Flare happened to a Red Horf instead? Meet Mr. Crisply, or, essentially, a burning, fleshy shrapnel bomb. The pressure built up by the fire within them causes them to burst on death and leave bits of burning gibs everywhere. The tone of their skin seems to be lighter than a Mr. Flare because, unlike them, their flame is wholly restricted to their internal anatomy. The flames within are able to sustain themselves by ventilation caused by their empty eyeholes. ![]() |
WoodburnerA Gaper with a plank of burning wood shunted through its cranium. They seem deliriously happy, dancing around and spinning their planks with wild abandon and no care for their surroundings. Their red skin allows them a modicum of fire resistance, so perhaps this is why they're seemingly so eternally joyful. ![]() |
CharlieAn ashen Gaper whose anatomy was charred inside and out. They retain a projectile defense system due to their regeneration not registering their body as alive (due to the fire, you know, fucking everything up), but due to their charred flesh, they spit clumps of gunpowder instead of blood shots. Oddly, they seem a bit more capable of emoting--their facial expressions are surprisingly varied. ![]() |
SootyAn ashen Cyclopia. Oddly, no Cyclopias have ever been found in the process of burning that usually leads to their ashen state. While still able to shoot projectiles, their insides still burn (albeit more manageably). Their causes their projectiles to act akin to burning coals and leave rings of flame on impact. If one can somehow catch and recover one of these coals, they burn for a surprisingly long time. ![]() |
Big SmokeA Fatty after fully burning. Its body is filled with flammable materials made from their melted internal fat. They produce flammable powder passively, which some unscruplous individuals harvest for explosives, but this is far from the only source of the stuff in this realm, thankfully. They attempt to use this powder to attack, but unless ignited, it doesn't really do much. ![]() |
PowderkegA Gaper that some insidious bastard engineered to constantly produce precious gunpowder. This stunts the capabilities of their nervous and immune systems, leading to decreased intelligence and muscle mass. Due to the latter, they constantly leak powder behind themselves. A Powderkeg's life is often a short and depressing one, as if their gunpowder trail gets ignited somehow, it's simply a fuse leading back to their overflowing internal stockpile of the stuff which means...well, they go out with a bang on the spot. ![]() |
MullikaboomWhen fire and normal bombs don't cut it, you gotta turn to the big guns--or, well, big bombs. Their bombs are much more powerful than those of normal Mullibooms, with their multiple explosions covering a much larger range than just a single, normal bomb. Depressing, isn't it? At least they die quickly. However, it's generally best to lead them away from any sort of manmade structure, as they pose an even bigger risk to buildings than normal Mullibooms do. ![]() |
PyronA woodburner whose plank has burnt away, leaving only what is essentially a wooden peg through their empty heads. They skip about without a care in the world, leaving bits of flesh behind in their wake. It is unknown how they and woodburners manage to be so damn happy all the time. Maybe it's their damaged central nervous system...? No, I shouldn't think like that. ![]() |
SmoggerAfter a Crispy has met the unfortunate fate of being burnt alive (internally, mind you), it's soul continues to wander through the Burning Basement, covered in ash and soot. Whether it does this to seek vengance on whatever caused its misfortune, or is too stupid to leave the area is unknown. They are cowardly by nature, floating away from any threat that comes its way. Sometimes, they'll spit out a medium sized ball of soot, homing in on the enemy. Keep them away from fire, as it will not only re-ingite their body, but also what remains of their fighting spirit. Running after you in hot pursuit, they leave a small trail of fire. It's best to prioritize attacking them above other enemies before they once more get burned alive, as they can pose a serious threat when enraged. By rafeldemole ![]() |
Insects |
MatchstickOh, yes. Oh HELL YES. It's like we've got delicious jerky just walking around here, holy hell! It's perfectly smoked due to the ground here being so heated that it acts as an oven! It tastes like hickory-smoked beef jerky, this is AMAZING OH MY GOD?? Oh yeah and like, they shoot burning bits of themselves to attack like Horfs or whatever. Anyways, FREE FOOD! ![]() |
SpitroastA Fly that has had a bountiful feast of the gunpowder found in TNT barrels, nearing its flashpoint and ready to combust. When they die, they spray this powder everywhere aerially, causing a ring of flame to surround their dying body. Despite burning from the inside, they can actually continue to grow if they manage to survive long enough. ![]() |
SpitfireA rare and more fully-grown Spitfire, having eaten more gunpowder and acquired a more stretchy, balloon-esque abdomen to store it within. In addition to creating a much larger (and more satisfying!) fireball on death, they also are able to expel tiny bits of powder to leave flames in their wake. Perhaps I should study this phenomening and try to induce it in normal Suckers... ![]() |
FriedA burning Wall Creep. Surprisingly, it seems more resistant to flame than its other Wall Creep cousins. Instead of projectiles. they've adapted to expel flammable gas that promptly ignites (not unlike a blowtorch powered by, say, propane or butane). This gas burns dangerously hot, and dangerously slow, so should you encounter one, be sure to use adequate cover should you agitate it into defending itself. Like other Wall Creeps, their meat is of average quality, but at the least here it seems to be cooked well. ![]() |
TrailblazerA distant relative of Larry Jr., adapted to feed on the burning bits of flesh expelled by many other monsters native to the Burning Basement. Since its diet is more scavenger-oriented, it lacks the distinctive unending aggression of Larries, but can retaliate by leaving the ashen leftovers of their meals in a single-file, flaming line behind them. Their red and black skintone is a direct result of their adaptation to resist fire, with their skin being prized for use in flame-resistant garments and objects. ![]() |
CommissionOne of Buster's hapless underlings, having gotten away from his tyranny for once. Even then, their existence is often short--they tend to accidentially get set alight often, which leads to them panicking and then promptly exploding due to their highly combustible biology (unlike other Flies). Their eyes seem small, but are actually quite large--I've been told they use their large eyes to drive off potential predators, but to me they just look silly trying to do so. ![]() |
Animates |
SparkA small animate possessing a lump of charred Basewood. A small, harmless creature that can be found skidding around in puddles of ash. Sparks are equally as foolish as their shitty siblings, sliding around rooms amelessly, dissmissive to any threats that may make their way to the Spark. These poor foolish pebbles are far more pathetic when met with any form of fire. Sparks will, in reaction to the hazard of instantaneous combustion, dust any ash their body produces far behind, leaving small flames in their wake. Sparks are incredibly passive, and will even be friendly to those they encounter. Don't be so mean to them! They're adorable little things. By Crispy ![]() |
LitlingA charred Animate found in ecosystems full of flame. Litlings, though similar in appearance to Dips, are made of the ash made from burning Basewood. Litlings are small, shy animates, and are very rarely found alone in the wild. The ash that their body is made of is extremely volatile, and the flammable environment that fosters their birth usually leads to a premature ejection. Litlings are incredibly susceptible to explosion, and therefore last only a short time alone, which leads to a colonial mentality rare in Animates. Litlings tend to congregate in giant masses of cinders and poop known as Chilis, which allows them to live in the warm biomes that support them, and also prevents undue explosion. By Crispy ![]() |
ChiliA collection of ash, cinders, and poop that develop after a large group of Litlings gather and nest together. They are fairly stationary, and don't need to move much, acting as the bottom feeding "Cleanup Crew" of the Burning Basement. Chilis are usually docile, and will not provoke even if a researcher where to gather samples of it's body. However, if one shows violence,or gets greedy and takes too much, they are known to aggravate and retaliate. Chilis defend themselves by expelling their nestees, ejecting Litlings from a small, mouth-like orophace found on the front of the Animate. The cargo they contain, however, does support their ability to remain composed, and will not hesitate to flee if possible. An odd symbiosis can be found between Chilis and a species of endemic Flora, the Chilea Bean. The body of Chilis, due to being a mass of filtered ash, viscera, and debris, is incredibly rich in minerals and vitamins, and, if it weren't literal shit, would probably be a healthy snack. These parameters are the perfect growth prerequisites for Chilea Beans, and the plant's beans are usually picked up by the bottom feeding behavior of the Chili. The beans act to filter out uneeded nutrients from the Chili, usually picked up by acident, while the plant's leaves and decyaing biomass burns, allowing for more ash to feed to the Litlings inside. By Crispy ![]() |
Ancient ChiliA nearly extinct species of Chili that predates the modern day Chili. Unlike its less spicy relative, Ancient Chilis do not move solely in hopes of sliding over some material to add to its body, but will actively hunt down prey as well. Ancient Chilis serve a similar function to their more modern descendant, acting as a nest for Litling, but decided to skip the middle man when it came to gathering ash. Ancient Chili's outsides are highly flammable, but are capable of preventing it from entering their insides and igniting their Litlings. This allows them to coat themselves in flame, utilizing this to burn and functionally digest their prey. Ancient Chilis are slowly going extinct, due to the newfounded functionality of the docile bottom-feeder niche found in modern Chilis. With larger predators emerging, such as Fumegheists and Big Smokes, Ancient Chilis are outcompeted for the mid-sized prey they once where able to hunt. By Crispy ![]() |
MoteSmall, common animates found in more ashen environments. Clusters of floating ash, Motes tend to richochet around the air all throughout the Burning Basement. Motes are normally harmless, restricted to a diet consisting solely of the smoke that fills the air. Motes can usually be found floating in circles in areas with a large amount of open flames, which leads to an unintending consequence. Motes, being made of the dangerously flammable ash that Basewood burns into, tend to leaves flammable debris in their wake. If the ash where to be ignited, it would lead to a chain reaction, creating a trail of flames in the wake of the newly ignited Mote. Oddly, this does not seem to harm them, as they continue as usual, simply trailing fire with them. Motes are usually harmless, but should be avoided in numbers. Whether it be their congregation into one of the most dangerous apex predators of Burning Basement, the Fumegeist, or their tendency to ignite into giant spirals of flame, Motes are an important lower level of the Burning Basement's food chain. By Crispy ![]() |
FumegeistFumegeists are giant conglomerations of Motes, usually found when Motes are allowed to grow fat in large, unignited groups. Fumegeists are one of the most dangerous apex predators of the Burning Basement, known not only to prey on smaller species or the Dreamer, but other apexes and even anomalies. Fumegeists are slow, seemingly docile beasts, seen meandering the air of especially smokey rooms in seeming solidarity. Though they seem to be passive clouds of smoke, they could be anything but that. Fumegeists are known attack on sight, even if it is noticable, slowly drifting towards their prey. In most instances, Fumegeists are able to quickly engulf and swallow their prey, or smother them in smoke if met with slight resistance, but in the off chance they encounter an organism strong enough to defend against their attacker, they have several tricks up their sleeve. Fumegeists are intelligent, and are known to use their internal swarm of Motes to their advantage. Fumegeists will gag up the balls of ash, command them to lob into the direction of their prey, either through smothering or pure brute force. Fumegeists can fill rooms with their motes, and can inhale them back into their mass at a moment's notice. Fumegeists are not only capable of utilizing smoke for combat, but are also able to ignite the air around them to cull their quarry. When a Fumegeist utilizes pieces of burning Basewood it stores inside of its body, not only will the Fumegeist itself to burst into a ball of flames, but all Motes tied to the Fumegeist of mention will ignite as well. The Fumegeist will then proceed to become unrelenting, charging down upon its prey, spiraling flame both from the Motes and itself. Fumegeists should be avoided at all costs, for the sake of both you and the environment around you's safety. By Crispy ![]() |
SmokinA hybrid between a Mote and a Spark. They keep the fire-based abilities of the Spark, but the levitation and hidden aggression of the Mote. They tend to be content to orbit the less-minuscule firepits of the Burning Basement, and are implied to feed directly off of the smoke and residue (hence their names) that come from burning Basewood. I personally blieve this is why they are rather defensive of the fires they orbit, and will attack anyone they deem to be a threat to its continued burning. They're tricky attackers, trying to lead opponents with arcs of burning ash to trip them up while they walk. ![]() |
S'MoreThis Slammer subspecies has adapted to the flames that seem to scare off most other fleshy creatures, using its own bodily ash to try to box in potential prey. When leaping, they scatter ash below themselves in a straight line, and ignite the opposite end of said line upon landing, forming a wall of flame. As intimidating as that sounds, the wall is not particularly tall, so it mostly serves to herd in smaller creatures such as insects and the occasional smaller Animate. Their flesh is, surprisingly, extremely delicious--my old friend once likened the taste to an expensive steak, although since the portions are still somewhat small it's very easy to just, well, eat your serving without really savoring it. ![]() |
FlaminAn Animate specifically possessing burning Basewood. Since it has all the sustenance it could possibly need from the fire it got its wood from, it isn't particularly hostile. Seemingly content to endlessly orbit their fires, they don't take defense as a high priority. However, if their fire diminishes or is otherwise in danger of going out, they will orbit it more quickly in an attempt to drive away possible intruders. Their "chains" linking them to the fire are actually part of their anatomy, which is highly confusing seeing how the "links" are apparently not connected to one another. ![]() |
Grilled ClottyAn unfortunate Clotty that has been set alight. Smells delicious as a result. The flame seems to have sent them into a panic, as they move about much more quickly. Due to this, the blood they expel is not necessarily a uniform spray, and more often than not is a bit more angled. Unfortunately, it would be most wise to evade the tempation to take a bite out of them, because God knows what kind of meat is in the damn thing. ![]() |
BrisketIf a Clotty finishes Their blood is all dried up, so instead of it they expel ash--the directions in which they do so can be detemined by observing whether their eyes are intact or not. On death, their body crumbles into trails of flammable gunpowder--is this how it's made and harvested? If so, that's...well...that's pretty fucked-up! ![]() |
PowdAnother instance of the simplest known Animates, operating as naught but a moving pile of gunpowder. It tries to chase after you, but even if it does it can't really hurt you--unless it gets set alight, of course. If it gets set alight, it seemingly is smart enough to be aware of it, and will run about more quickly in the short time left in its already-short lifespan. Concept and sprite by MillieAmp ![]() |
Constructs |
WickA construct made of wax! How interesting. They leave a small trail of flame in their wake when they walk, due to the wax dripping off of them mixing with flammable ash. In addition, sometimes they vomit up this body mass as larger flames, too. They seem to be able to generate more was from melting the fat of prey they kill into tallow. ![]() |
WaxheadA much simpler and cruder wax construct, now in the shape of an actual candle with two stubby legs to walk with. They, too, can spit flames--however, due to their poor design choices (namely, their burning wick), they more often than not just melt into nothing, leaving only a fleeting bit of burning string behind. It's believed that these are the work of more amateur creators of Constructs, due to their design flaws and simplistic body shape. ![]() |
Griddle HornUnlike his cousin, Little Horn, Griddle Horn boasts some brain to work with, and he's much less pleasant to be around as well, often acting snarky and mocking. Despite their differences, he and the rest of the Horn family share the same love for explosions. Griddle Horn fights in a more strategic manner as well. By chaining usually not very menacing attacks together to cause more dangerous chain reactions, he can often fill the arena with flame. He likes to keep his distance, and when threatened can use his "dig" ability to quickly catch his opponent unguarded. He usually carries a large amount of hot coals with him, using them as a weapon to ignite gunpowder from a distance. He can also cough up Motes, bouncing around to add extra pressure. He possesses the unique ability to instantly ignite any flammable object with a snap of his finger as long as it's in visible range, or seemingly grow gunpowder beneath the enemy's feet. Be careful, these two attacks can cause serious damage. Extra notes: Griddle Horn has a strange distaste for homosexuals. Some say it's a coping mechanism because he can't admit he's gay himself! By rafeldemole ![]() | |||||
BusterA big, gluttonous, corpulent fly king, ruling over the Burning Basement with an iron fist and an iron stomach. He's not a good boss at all. Almost like the Spiders, if any of his Commission make a form of error he'll eat them on the spot! Not only that, he's a messy eater too, so you'll probably get fly guts all over ya! Despite his propensity for eating his underlings, they still follow his every whim, because, let's be real, they'll probably die either way, depressing as it is. Extra notes: Despite eating mostly other flies, his favorite food of all seems to be that weird stuff that calls itself "hazelnut" but is clearly chocolate. Maybe it combusts better? Or it could just be the taste. Either way, he fiercely guards a stash of the stuff, and my old friend says stealing some is worth it--even with the 3rd-degree burns. ![]() | |||||
MeltdownOne of the four "modern" Harbingers Famine mentioned earlier. Just like the original Harbingers, Satan called them forth to bring about an "apocalypse". Meltdown was sent to the Basement for this purpose, although he refuses to give any further detail about his actions. Meltdown is able to produce explosives and gunpowder that burn a sickly green (firework powder?), including a 1:1 scale replica of his steed made out of bombs! He is also rather unstable and tends to break down into tiny flesh animates he calls his "Falafels" when angered or hurt. This instability extends to his mental state, often throwing fits for seemingly no reason and punching his steed simply because it did not go where he wanted it to. Although to be fair, Meltdown isn't riding his steed so much as he's completely stuck to it. Extra notes: The horse always holds some sort of bomb inside its maw, which seems pretty unsafe considering the amount of abuse it has to endure... Meltdown takes great care to avoid lighting it up, though. When asked about it, he told me "I'm keeping her for the big day. When she blows up, your sorry ass better be hiding away in a hole, unless you want to be turned into mist!" By Supershadow30 ![]() |