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I found this book on a corpse and wrote in the first empty section I could find... I'm currently hiding from all the horrific abominations populating this...wherever the hell I am...I guess I may as well stay out of harm's way and attempt to finish what they started...
Note: I think I'm being followed...all I hear are footsteps, so I guess I'll stay on the move to save my own skin...
Footsteps? That was my feeble ass trying to get my book back!
...Although, I must say, your writing skills are respectable.
Maybe working together won't be so bad after all.
Rotten GaperOh God...oh Lord above, what happened to them!? They're downright mutilated, and in so many different ways! HOW DO THEY RUN SO QUICKLY!? It has to be those maggots and other rotten things feasting on them! It has to be! Every single being I see here just makes me want to get out of here even more! ![]() |
TwitchyThis one is positively filled to the brim with parasites who have completely taken over its genetics! It leaps around like a Trite but can still run bipedally, which makes them VERY DIFFICULT TO HIDE FROM. Thankfully they can be easily distracted by freshly killed flesh...as if that isn't absolutely disgusting enough... ![]() |
FingoreThis one won't stop staring and pointing at me...what did I do? What sin did I commit? It moves around really quickly too, it's difficult to outrun! Especially when it throws its damn hand at you! The skin around their entire jaw has seemingly just been ripped off...and sometimes they just stand and stare, and I can never be sure if they'll start chasing after me... Awful things, and way too tricky to deal with any kind of calm consideration... ![]() |
Bamboo CutterAs if those damn psychos with whips weren't horrible enough on their own...their whips are just chipped and sharpened bones! Thankfully, they're easy to hide from, since they're almost blind...but if you so much as TOUCH one of those Frayed Nerves that they tend to, they will all--every single one in the vicinity--immediately gang up on you. Poor Gaper didn't know what hit him... All in all, just stay out of the forests of Frayed Nerves. It's for your own health. ![]() |
RotdrinkThis poor Skinny is afflicated by a disease that causes its excess skin to slowly slough off...at least it doesn't seem to feel pain... They slowly plod around as their skin falls off more and more, until eventually all that's left is their discarded skull and the diseased maggots feeding upon their body. But even then, don't even get me started on their damn skulls... ![]() |
RotskullThis thing's skull is practically a heat-seeking missile! I had to run for almost 15 whole minutes just to get the thing away from me while I kept missing my shots! They propel themselves through the air via unknown means, but move very quickly and can even adjust for turns, unlike other such chasers... It is unknown if this thing's will is its own, or instead the commands of a parasite residing in the former Rotdrink's decaying grey matter... ![]() |
Gutted FattyThis Fatty somehow still walks about with its organs spilling out of its body. Is it dying, dead, or reanimated by parasites? It seems to be able to expel its diseased organs, which, with their ability to locomote on their own, suggests the latter of the three. I would comment on how disgusting such a concept is, but honestly, when is something not in this gigantic, rotting hell not? And on top of that, the thing's eyes pop out and try to chase you down if it gets hurt enough! Gratefully, however, they just return to their sockets if they lose sight of you for long enough... And even then, when you kill (re-kill...?) it, it sprays its infected blood everywhere! Try not to let any of it get in your system... ![]() |
Level 2 GaperA Gaper teetering on the edge of life and death, filled with untold numbers of diseases, infections, and parasites. It runs toward other beings in an attempt to spread its afflictions. Clear as it may seem, we don't actually know this for sure, but do you really think it would be worth it to try and find out? Apparently, it has grown in size, and as a result can run faster. Makes a good possession host if you know to keep your distance from others, honestly. Kinda like normal Gapers, when you finish them off they split in two, which are a lot easier to avoid than the full thing. ![]() |
Level 2 GusherThe headless body of a Level 2 Gaper. It runs--yes, as in it sprints--around aimlessly, spewing those insidious tiny maggots anywhere it goes. At least it's blind. And it doesn't regenerate, either, as a result of being so diseased. It's the little things. ![]() |
Level 2 HorfThe bodiless head of a Level 2 Gaper, though it behaves more like a Maw, in actuality. To escape one, all you need to do is escape its line of sight. But, even worse than the body, this time they spit the maggots AT YOU! Although I'd bet on it just trying to defend itself in a panic... Poor thing. A tragic story, really. ![]() |
Gut KnightThis Knight's diseased brain spills out of the exposed half of its skull, trailing behind it. It can't charge nearly as effectively, but they make it a massive pain to navigate this place with the way their trail takes up valuable space. I, personally, think their lack of eyes contributes to their awful charge, but it's mainly just an educated assumption. ![]() |
TormentA gigantic and fearsome undead Fatty that commands around other Gapers. It is able to expel its guts as animates called Cysts. The damn thing also shot at us and summoned Rotten Gapers for it to sic on us too! Best course of action, as with a lot of the diseased things here, is to AVOID WHENEVER POSSIBLE. ![]() |
Wrinkly BabyA Baby affected by Carrion Rot. It hasn't died just yet, so its body is instead very desiccated and shriveled. For some reason, this seems to make them extremely aggressive. They even flat out fly at you using their levitation! They are actually not contagious carriers--due to this as well as their disposition, unscrupulous sorts have brought them to the Utero, or summoned them forth to Sheol for use as what is essentially a guard dog. ![]() |
UnbornA seemingly forever-young Baby with a birth defect. It tries to pursue what it thinks are threats, but apart from gentle nudges it can't really hurt anyone. I've heard rumors of an artifact that either sends them into a trance, or simply allows you to control them, actually. Ah, the C-Section, right? Yes, that's it. ![]() |
SpoilieEvery last cell composing this poor Globin is infected by Carrion Rot, leading it to no longer have any bodily autonomy. And even when it loses structure, the damn glob tries to run at you too, if that wasn't messed-up enough! Carrion Rot is a scary thing. I'm glad that--for the most part--it seems we can't get it. ![]() |
RotspinA Spinner that was infected in the middle of its spawning process. Its young still remain attatched, occasionally. Seems like it still has enough mind to escape to its base and become (kind of) a Globin if its heads all die. Well, not a Globin, a Spoilie, but you get the point. If this disease spares not even children, why doesn't it hurt you, or much less myself? ![]() |
MarzlammerImpressive how Slammers can even symbiotically adapt to what would be a terminal disease... I mean, yes, but the damn thing is filled to the brim with maggots feeding on it! I mean, do you wanna know what's even more messed-up? Huh? What is it? Right before a real close friend of mine dissappeared, she actually recommended that I try out the flesh of one of these damn things. Oh, so she went off the deep end? No, she was always like that, but...in those last few rush-cycles before she vanished, something was off about her. She was...oddly calm, usually she was a more hyperactive sort. Huh. Well, I certainly hope she's alright. Me too. ![]() |
EvisAs if an Animate hijacking a Pacer wasn't gross enough already, here it uses the diseased innards as a makeshift tongue. H...Hold on. You said it as "Vees". It's pronounced like the word "vice"... Does it really matter? We're both fighting for our lives here, we don't have time to quarrel over little things--either way, both are probably equally right anyway. You have a point...It's still morbidly intriguing how Carrion Rot affects different organisms, however. ![]() |
Frayed NerveThese seem to be cast-off, infected bits of whatever Nerve Endings all originate from. Not only that, they seem to yearn for their original body and reproduce in overdrive, forming thick forests of biological copies. And those copies then, somehow, got the Bamboo Cutters to defend them with their lives...Maybe they offer sustenance somehow? ![]() |
GasbagSomehow, a Geyser formed all the way down here instead of their Flooded Caves home. Maybe a little bit of one got stuck to a traveler and ended up growing down here? Either way, damn thing's infected. Instead of bubbles, it constantly exudes infected air, so ALWAYS stay as far from it as possible. As immune as we seem, I wouldn't chance it either--plsu the gas just smells nasty anyway. ![]() |
CystThe infected form of the simplest known Animate. Some of its organs have been repurposed due to this, offering limited ranged combat ability. If it's just content to roll about normally, I suppose the infection is responsible for its lust for combat? Precisely. Scary how even something so...well, stupid can be affected by a disease such as this, isn't it? ![]() |
Dead MeatWhen enough Cysts happen to collide (or a Mama Guts gets infected), they become Dead Meat, a sort of abstract blob of organs assumed to be mostly vestigial apart from simple defense mechanisms. It shoots indiscriminately in all directions when attacking, and its blood shots are elastic in nature, so be careful when searching for cover. Like normal Mama Guts, they scatter into the respective component Cysts on death. Some things never change, apparently. ![]() |
While Bethany may have left for the Cathedral (I can't say I blame her...), I myself saw something disgusting yet morbidly enticing...
This place seems to be the epicenter of the infection. Can you image how much intriguing knowledge there must be within?
It's all so tempting...I don't care if it's a deathwish trying to study this, but for anyone who happens to read this, know that this might be my last chapter.
If this ends here...please, don't cry for me. I'll be back soon, anyway.
Either way...here goes nothing.
BubThese Gapers have gone beyond simple infection--they are completely overtaken by the Rot and lack a mind to think with. They possess impressive biological variance, each "face" possessing differences in strength, stamina, as well as a unique (and nauseating) ability for each face type. Not to sound odd, but they make great hosts--I've never ran faster back when I was whole! ![]() |
Cancer BoyA Bub whose parasitic pilot has deemed it worthy of use as a fruiting body. The tumorous growths on its back constantly generate young, overtaken Morsels (known as Cancerlets for ease of distinction), which it lauches at threats not to defend itself--instead, it does so to propagate the infection. It seems that once the Carrion Rot progresses to a fully parasitic usurper (not unlike entomopathogenic fungi, such as those in the Cordyceps genus), it bears no regard for the condition of its host, seeking mainly to reproduce or spread itself to other organisms at all costs. ![]() |
MolarganAs if becoming a Nest (Molargan may be a misnomer, but I'm not losing my chance at such a good pun) wasn't horrible enough! These piloted Nests have grown several misplaced teeth due to the Carrion Rot hijacking their regeneration, causing teratoma-esque growths to sprout all over their bodies. The Rot forcefully and painfully expels these teeth from the Molargan, which promptly sprout spider legs as they become the infected Spiders known as Oralids. Seemingly, on death, the Rot makes a final attempt to spread itself further and expels all the teeth and other nasties inside the Molargan in all directions. ![]() |
MollyNot even the poor Gapers that the cult of Gehenna induced leprosy in are safe...I think I might vomit... The damn thing can even still feebly fight for control and try to run away as it breaks down into infected chunks of flesh... The closer it gets to death, the more control the Rot has over it, until it finally mentally breaks and becomes naught but an unfortunate puppet. ![]() |
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OralidAn infected Spider, with an unnatural bony shell caused by, you guessed it, Carrion Rot. Their whole bodies are hijacked by it, as is usual for Morbus residents, and they tend to bury themselves in the ground to feed on the floor. Despite this, they seem to prefer living flesh to consume and infect, so stay away from them if possible. ![]() |
OralopedeThis is what happens when an Oralid's normal growth processes are unnaturally induced by Carrion Rot. Not a pretty sight. Seems to be able to command around the Oralids in its vicinity--is this how the Rot is able to control things? Like some sort of tree or pyramid structure--bigger controls smaller, all the way down from the largest abominations to the littlest bugs... The second mouth--on the bony growth, that is--seems to be entirely vestigial, as if it's some sort of teratoma. I wouldn't put it past anyone that it is. ![]() |
DiageticA Needle with extremely thick skin and a distinct segmented exoskeleton, evolved to adapt in this festering realm of endless carrion. Tastes like dirt and fucking glue. Fuck my life-- ADDENDUM: Their tails, however--the ones they detach--AND if and ONLY if basically just sterilized before cooking, as their SKIN (not their body, their SKIN. Or is it a shell?) is extremely resilient to infection--now, let ME tell YOU! It's a godsend in a place like this! The fact that the juicy, protected meat is confirmed free of infectious agents...I'm rambling again. I need to get the fuck out of here but there's so much to see... ![]() |
KnotA congregation of spiders feeding on decaying flesh. It's best not to interrupt them. Not really a being of its own, per se, but I haven't seen this phenomenon anywhere else. Maybe in the upper floors they still do this, just...out of sight? ![]() |
TommyDespite my categorization, that... is not a spider. It's a tumor that merely looks like one. It reproduces by duplicating itself, and then sends newly made tumors to orbit enemies or keeps them around to defend itself. Tommies usually flee from danger, aren't hazardous to touch and look docile enough. But don't be mistaken, they can spell doom if left unchecked for long enough, as they can clone themselves at an alarming rate. I at first mistook the little white spots they feature as eyes. Well let me tell you, after trying to see through them, they're completely blind. In fact... Those spots...they're teeth. By supershadow30 ![]() |
BennyGiven enough time, the tumors spat out by Tommies will grow into fully fledged Bennies. They are unable to replicate, and resort to chasing anything that can be gobbled up to fatten up into a Tommy, continuing the cycle. That doesn't stop them from trying to replicate, however the newly formed tumors can't hold themselves together and burst into blood and teeth right away. Like Tommies, Bennies are blind and can pick up scents via osmosis. This helps them locate enemies to attack and Tommies to defend. By supershadow30 ![]() |
Corpse EaterCorpse Eaters are the apex predator of the Corpse, being the type to make you shit yourself in fear. These murder machines are extremely violent and charge around at very high speeds, seeking nothing but the downfall of everything. A result of a split in the evolutionary line of the Charger turned its body into a leech and made it into the fucked up genetic experiment you see today. Corpse Eaters have no loyalty, going after anything that can fit in its mouth. It's the type of thing that you can't look away from, not that you should, since that's when you are vulnerable to the teeth, guts, and gore that this horrifying beast launches as projectiles as it eats. By watchmeojo ![]() |
QuitterDespite their appearance implying a relation to the Oralids, with their scum-covered grimace perhaps being the result of some communal effort between a large group, they are really just another form of cancerous mass that has grown into the shape of a Lvl 2 Spider. Quitters have a unique respiratory system, allowing it to inhale with such force that they are capable of sucking in loose bits of detritus and smaller creatures from the nearby environment. This suction force is powerful enough to divert the path of projectiles flung at it into its hollow insides, where the mass of swallowed materials is quickly glued together by a thick slurry of mucus and the occasional strand of hair. This volatile improvised bezoar is then violently coughed out towards its prey target. (Malignant beings such as these do not hunt for food, only seeking to fight out of self-preservation or sheer cruelty.) Occasionally, I can hear Quitters chatter mindlessly. The noises they produce are uncannily similar to common speech, but are completely unintelligible. To put it into words, it’s like they can speak syllables, but not full words. I was wrong. Recently, I stumbled upon a mortally wounded Quitter lying beside a Frayed Nerve that had been snapped nearly in half. Assuming it to have accidentally provoked a Bamboo Cutter while attempting to snuff out the life of another creature, I carefully attempted to pass through unnoticed.
That was, until I heard it speak. It wasn’t talking to me.
It was praying.
When I looked back, it had seized up lifelessly. Its legs curled inwards, and its wheezing had ceased.
I hate it here.
I hate it here so much. By Hyperinvox ![]() |